Stability Radius

Reflection N° 75 - The Radiant Barrier

In precedent Reflection # 74 we have stated: Maitreya, the Great Solar Initiate, has established by means of his Global Planetary Aura, a barrier wrapping and penetrating us with no exception, and that this mark fixes an inflection point between the characteristic involution of the human history since the beginning and the new evolutionary way opening the American Sakib’s Age.

Course VII - Teaching 3: Presence

The Stability Radius is determined by the vibratory field emanated from the place where the souls are centered in order to achieve the Whole Great Work. The Stability Radius is image and material figure of OM HES.

Course X - Teaching 4: Cycles of Passive asceticism in Cafh

Stability radius: settlement, adaptation, patience, routine and wait. Power of the Great Current: Permanence, comprehensive passivity, non-operation. Substantial Union: Operative exchange. Egocentric impersonality. Capacity to use all (physical, psychical and mental) means to achieve the result of a purpose.

Course X - Teaching 9: Cycles of Passive Asceticism in Cafh

Asceticism considered in Cafh could seem harmful or helpless, but this is not true at all. Individual asceticism is harmful, but asceticism practiced (even by the Son) by the man in order to attain an experience and later put this asceticism in the mystical body, is helpful.

Course IX - Teaching 13: Knight Masters

The Knight Master is the supreme authority in the Table. His mission is to watch as a father over the spiritual, moral and material concerns of the Sons trusted to him.

Course IX - Teaching 16: Superiors

The Secretary Great Master is assisted in his labor by the Knight Secretary Master that he chooses in the Full Moon Assembly every five years among the Knight Masters of his Table.

Course XI - Teaching 15: Dimensional Time and Expansive Time

To renounce is to live. To renounce is to transcend the dimensional time in order to remain expansively in the time itself. Of course, this statement makes no sense, except through experiencing and living it.

Course XI - Teaching 16: Transmission of the Renunciation Message

The Renunciation Message is transmitted in silence. Silence contains the Son in the Stability Radius, fits it like a clock to the routine of the life and adapts, through outer rigidity and inner immobility, to the automatic rhythm of the existence.