Course IX - Teaching 12: The Ordained

In the Regulation there are few rules related to the Ordained. They are totally subject to the will of the Knight Great Master, and their duties are established in the Regulation in a general way.
First, the Ordained must live in a common place, under a Superior, and to adjust their lives to precepts of the Method.
To live in common, besides promoting the method –which favors the mystical development– limits the Current to certain point and makes its preservation and proper radiation easier.
To live under a Superior means a continuous subjection of the personal will to him, permits the exercise of obedience and close dedication to only one objective, and sets the mind free of multiples problems of the life in the world.
To adapt life to precepts of the Method impedes wandering and inveterately being in search of texts, doctrines, exercises and spiritual ways of living that are so attractive to disturbed persons.
To live in community gives rise to a series of labors in agreement with the specific mission of each Table. Any labor that the Ordained must carry out is totally compulsory under the Regulation: they must practice daily half an hour of meditation, half an hour of spiritual reading, and half an hour of backward survey and night prayers, and even they must devote as much time as possible to study and to inner life.
The Solitary can manage their incomes, in such a situation, according to the measure and quantity that the Knight Great Masters considers convenient for personal expenses of the Solitary, but the latter cannot carry out any operation in this sense.
The Ordained can be exempt from living in community, if the Knight Great Master decides this. In such cases, the Ordained shall continue their tasks and jobs, but according to rules determined by their Superior.
But the Ordained shall have the right to return to the community for a while, annually, and when their external labor ends, the Superior may decide to incorporate them definitively.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
