Course IX - Teaching 11: The Solitary

The Sons belonging to Tables of the Solitary as such have a series of peculiar duties.
Besides those spiritual exercises indicated in the respective teaching, the Solitary must attend monthly to a particular conference with the Superior of the Table.
To open the soul to the Superior and to express his problems is to protect wisely the health of the soul, and to be ready to a better spiritual orientation. Lack of understanding, impatience, and doubt can give rise to inward negative states that are imperceptible to the Son. His communication with the Superior makes the intervention of the latter easier, and a consequent solution of this state. Even excessive enthusiasm can be directed toward a better profit.
Moreover, the Solitary must inform their Superiors about material and spiritual events of their lives. This step permits the Superior a better knowledge of the soul and a due appraisal of such events. Many times the Sons give to certain events an importance that is not such for the soul. Other times, they deny importance to events of transcendental importance. As the Superior knows this, he can encourage the Son to repeat those fruitful events to his inner life, and this way he teaches him how to appreciate properly diverse steps of his spiritual progress.
The Regulation enlists especially certain circumstances when the Son not only must report to his Superior but also must request his blessing: to engage and marry, to change job, to give or take a loan, and to sell or buy goods and properties of certain value.
There are other events that are even more transcendent to the soul and therefore demand the Knight Great Master’s license, such as marriage or acquisition or sale of very valuable goods.
This duty of the Solitary, this limited freedom to act individually and to handle their own possessions, fosters the highest spiritual profit. It reduces the natural selfishness of the right of property, promotes impersonality and grants more freedom to the soul.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
