Course V - Teaching 15: Permanent Renunciation

The Spiritual Retreat is a gift granted every year to the Sons to recover their strength and to consider and feel again their spiritual vocation in all their inner resources. In short, days of spiritual retreat are days of true graces. Today the Divine Mother gives sometimes special lights and graces invigorating, renewing and vivifying a spiritual vocation; other times she gives tremendous dryness, insensibility and sadness, also to revive the spirit. Whether from devotion or from dryness, the Divine Mother always takes great good because She baths the souls in the holy lake of Renunciation, through one abyss or another, which can be divine or of that of human sadness, and always for the sake of the soul and its spiritual progress. It is the glorious or painful festivity, but in the last analysis is festivity.
That is why the last day it is convenient to make a resume and to pose a purpose, and to take something more than mere notes: certain axiomatic and basic sentences to keep them in mind as a bouquet during the rest of the year. A Spiritual Retreat is an oasis in the desert of the human life, and when you reach it, you need to be thirsty of devotion and to drink the abundant water granted there to the Sons.
These Teachings aim at an intensification of the concept and love of the Fundamental Vow. You have considered how by seeing the illusion of all things and of the void of human things, your soul attains renunciation; and that renunciation is the only way of Cafh and of every soul.
Renunciation is the way to salvation and life for the future race; a nobler and freer soul, bearing peace and joy to Humanity.
But these teachings have disclosed the innermost depths of the soul in a more intense way, because external words do not build the work, but what you feel within: a Son lives the everlasting hour, not a dimensional time but a unique time: the eternal hour, of grace.
A mystical death has placed the Ordained Son outside time, to live always in God and in His Divine Presence. The higher is the intensity of his life before God, the wider is that time in which he lives, because past, future and present are condensed in this hour for his offering to God. Now, time is non-existent; you live the Everlasting Hour.
Sometimes, even for those Sons in the spiritual path, one hour or another Truth comes, but when this knowledge comes, you understand it in a complete and very intense way. This is not so because the concept on Renunciation was revealed today or yesterday, but because today souls are fit to understand it. How many times have they read teachings about spiritual development and other lessons, but the latter did not attain their hearts until a time when these people were fit to receive them? And when their hearts get them, it is as if they never had known them, because at this instant, they have lived the Everlasting Hour, outside time, and could attain the Divine and Universal Teaching in an extensive way. This Teaching is ever near, in all times, but attains the heart when the latter escapes from time and lives the Unique and Everlasting Hour.
This knowledge about greatness of spiritual vocation has placed the Son in the presence of God and has revealed the secret of life, which is perfect simplicity of feelings, ideas and actions. But men complicate things, try to find solutions and strive after man, and do nothing. Everything becomes death and destruction in their hands. Only going out of time, being in the presence of God through self-renunciation, and dying in a complete and mystical way, they can reach that great inner simplicity that is participation of the soul in the Divine Life.
Understood as unique salvation of the world, embraced by Holy Vows, and inevitably lived through acts and rhythm of Community, it leads in an inevitable way to a mystique, that is, to certain style of living that is expansive and inner. Then this soul, which is dead, still neither desires the way to be united with God, nor ecstasy, nor visions, nor revelations, nor bliss, nor enlightenment. So, a soul acquires an entirely characteristic mystique: that of ashes, which only an Ascetic Renunciation and Mystique of the Heart can grant: Even one memory of his personality does not remain, and he is only a little heap of ashes, over there, before the altar of the Divine Mother.
But a soul that followed this mystique of apparent annihilation lives a new life in the Eternity; this soul does not live in the world, in which all beings come into being, grow and die, but in the Eternity, in which beings neither die, nor change nor are subject to inner transformations caused by their physiological, psychological or spiritual state; always they live in the same state of understanding, enlightenment and expansive ecstasy.
There a soul understands and realizes the divine mystery of “egoentia”, which does not remove any real value, but only illusory values. A psychical personality is just a shadow projected on the wall of the reality.
Many Sons do not understand this state of union between the soul and God, and believe that this means to be absorbed in the Divinity. This cannot be so because otherwise the entire process of evolution would be useless: even the tiniest grain of sand cannot get lost if God is the absolute state that comprises everything. The soul is assimilated to such an extent with the Eternity that lives in God and makes no difference between God and soul, but keeps its entire existence ever present in God’s all-consciousness, an existence developed since the instant when God appears like duality in the created Universe.
Renunciation creates new values, for it disposes of established values. The nothing is ever nothing, and the nothing can live. A man that experiences his own annihilation, and renounces and mystically dies, loses human values and acquires divine values; then he remains as experience, and teaches the world.
The true and universal Teaching is granted to all beings; dogmatic teachings are kept by great religions of the world, and the Masters grant prophetically great teachings to their disciples.
Finally, since Renunciation is a permanent holocaust of life, is not only unique good and unique mean of salvation for a soul that embraced it, but also unique mean to help the world and redeem Humanity.
We have explained in detail how a soul does good even renouncing to it for the sake of the world; this soul recognizes its own nothing as if it were misery, sees that can do nothing at all, and that all his doings, even with the best intention, sometimes gets a bad result. A soul, as an assistant of Humanity, has the Gift of being co-redeemer for the salvation of Humanity, not like a philanthropist. None can do anything for anyone else because what you do externally is destined to perish. A soul must die mystically, giving its blood and life. Nothing external is valuable, with the exception of those things that you give in a way intimate, profound and absolute. Only a soul, who renounces to everything, dies and offers mystically its life, can help Humanity, not through a violent death, but through a mystical death, every hour in the lifetime like a little drop of blood given for love.
This unique and divine vision of your vocation will bring to your heart a new fervor, entirely renewed. Sons must remain hidden in their hearts, before the abyss of their nothing, to become an abyss of divine greatness in which they are called to take part in order to learn how the great secret of Renunciation is and how limited they are that in essence are nothing, and that their possibilities are very rare, because the human condition is smallness and nothing, and also is something fleeting and impermanent that ceaselessly dies. When beings recognize this nothing through their mystical death, in is secret place of the heart, they understand, feel and realize the eternal, infinite and universal space. Space disappears as dimension, measure and geometrical and unique figure, and remains as intensity and divine state. Into their mystical death, their Community and their Radius of Stability, they realize the Universe, the entire space created by God from the beginning of the Eternity until its end. There they see how time, races and Humanity pass, and how cycles and new civilizations begin, grow and decay, because this is the divine and cosmic deposit, and just there they can share with God His expansion in the Eternity.
Those souls must remain locked therein, in their mystical sepulcher, like nothing before a divine totality, and look the abyss of the human nothing and the everlasting abyss of the divine greatness in which everything exists and lives, and nothing dies. From that place they must be true co-redeemers of Humanity beside the Great Savior, and from there they may dare to see a time to come, so unknown to man, but that acquires intense clarity before the eyes of whoever has no eyes to see this world now.
In fact, the Sons of Renunciation, called to this earth just to fulfill their mission of mystical death, have been sent to prepare the ways of the Great Savior in a terrible and hard time for Humanity. From June 16th, 1945, all men that survived were destined to see the beginning of a new race. On that day, they prepared, in the American desert, the first atomic bomb whose energy was like an unknown and overwhelming monster that paralyzed all senses. From that time on, we entered the new era of the race.
During the nineteenth century, Humanity made a perfect individual research; matter is observed, analyzed and investigated, and man unravels the deepest secrets that he can acquire and know. All that today we gather is a work that was made the past century. Men belonging to individualism, materialism, existentialism and phenomena made the greatest sacrifice that a being can do: they forgot God and the spirit; and as materialists, they remained closed to know only their own things, and to possess it to the full. So, they gave to successive generations a chance to investigate the field of energies.
Seemingly, this new race possesses the entire energy of God because He granted to man an immense power to control the physical energy. Man, into his materialism, is in a position to find a window in order to get out and find God.
But, instead of creating new life, this man-child made use of this divine power for death and destruction, and deadly karma took form from the beginning. He flung an unstoppable stone, and forcefully it will fall. The destiny of Humanity is to perish: destruction and death.
Instead of taking the gift to enter the world with a sense of individual good, man has taken it as a collective power, of groups, and has put on it a seal of destruction and death.
But what did man achieve from 1945 to 1955? Mind stopped being individual to become collective and controlled by a state that makes use of it for death. Sages, those great souls who believed in a new chance for an energetic world, became prisoners of a great power or of someone else. They cannot escape. The state brain controls them and totally destroys their individual will. And these great collective brains have only produced atomic energy, but not for the sake of Humanity but in a defensive sense, that is, for destructive purposes.
The future of the world is destruction, and we are still waiting, but this is just a moment in which the wild beast remains hidden and mindful: it will take its longest, surer and more lethal jump to destroy its prey: Humanity.
During these last ten years –years of destruction in the world– also we have seen spiritual forces that have emerged. As soon as a danger appears, man forms inner defenses, and creates new cerebral centers like a defense against evil.
All great elements that prepared in the world the coming of the new race were all of a national kind: for instance, Gandhi. They loves Humanity, but worked for their people, for their race. Today there is a new awakening: great men become universal and benefactors of the entire Humanity.
New values emerge in the world to counteract this great destruction, and two great powers of our time will be thrown down by new spiritual powers that come into being. Sons, remember the vision of the lion and the bear. On a plateau, by an abyss, a lioness faces a huge bear, and tries to attract him by her female (diplomatic) arts. The bear is hardly seduced; then she tries to hurt his neck, aims badly, and later tries with his belly, but the bear, almost grazed, destroys the neck of the lioness by his powerful claws, but his blow was so violent that the two fall in the deep abyss: those two great powers will be destroyed. But a part of the world will be saved.
The Sons are in the current of spiritual beings and their mission is not only that of co-redeemers of Humanity, but also of assistance to save the rest of the race. Poor that Son who says no, and comes back to the world!
The Sons are building bridges of salvation by their renunciation; they are possible saviors of this race that is about to be destroyed, and at the same time, prepare the coming of the Savior. How much work for a little group of men and women! But they will have strength to stand this tremendous burden only by thinking that they take part in this divine work. And they are supported not only by this, but also by the Divine Love of Maitreya. May that love enter their spiritual matrix and form an atom of that power that will create the body of the Divine Initiate. Ideally form this divine figure that has to save Humanity. However you may do much, it will be useless if He does not come to the earth.
Sons, pray Him to come and put His Hand so that the unavoidable destruction is not so awful. Pray for the salvation of many beings. May your spirit of renunciation be such that you may attract many beings toward Renunciation as the only salvation way.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
