Mystical Death

Course V - Teaching 9: Liberating Automatism of Renunciation

Renunciation kills man for man to live. When men of the world observe the souls, their expressions are harsh. How many times we hear about generous people who passed away: “So it is easy to go to God, by leaving everything behind.

Course V - Teaching 15: Permanent Renunciation

The Spiritual Retreat is a gift granted every year to the Sons to recover their strength and to consider and feel again their spiritual vocation in all their inner resources. In short, days of spiritual retreat are days of true graces.

Course X - Teaching 5: Renunciation as Mystique

The Divine Union cannot be achieved on Earth. Its achievement is potential particular individually. Substantial Union: The soul achieves the individual Union through Cafh’s means. This Union continues in him even after his return to the permanent ordinary state in a substantial form by participating with the Mystical Cafh’s Body in this state of permanent Union achieved by the soul of Cafh.

Course XIV - Teaching 13: Mystical Death

Contemplation can be Shadowy or Illuminative. In fact, these divisions are arbitrary because these two states cannot be accurately determined. The soul becomes rather contemplative and remains absorbed by this holy exercise for a longer and longer time.

Course XVI - Teaching 5: The Perfect Holocaust

The soul wishing for the transformation by God and also the perfect life of the Divine Master must dive in the blood of the sorrowful passion, and suffer intensely so that the human nature is redeemed, and the personality destroyed and dead, with a super-individuality shining in the soul.

Course XVI - Teaching 14: Mystical Death

Under the Divine Master’s loving glance, the Son wakes from his lethargy, with his eyes dazzled by this Divine glance. But as soon as his initial enthusiasm decreases and becomes stable, he discovers he still is very far away from the ideal he dreamed.

Course XVII - Teaching 7: Eventual Trials during Mystical Death

In the beginning of his path, the soul is too much busy with his troubles and sorrows, and that is why worldly evils are to him just a mere consideration to which he sticks by attachment or sympathy.