
Course IV - Teaching 12: Heavenly Stars

Heavenly Stars of liberated souls mark stages of realization on the firmament of Cafh. The soul is ruled by unavoidable eternal laws. The secret of deification is unveiled by the identification of the individual soul with the cosmic consciousness.

Course VII - Teaching 3: Presence

The Stability Radius is determined by the vibratory field emanated from the place where the souls are centered in order to achieve the Whole Great Work. The Stability Radius is image and material figure of OM HES.

Course VII - Teaching 8: Silence of Silences

The Man that lives in the bustle and turmoil of the world can place in his soul only manifestations of incomplete and imperfect love. The realization of the true love requires to be canalized through silence.

Course VII- Teaching 11: Intimate Obedience

The Vow of obedience is essentially an act of mystic and spiritual love. The Son can travel through certain stretch of the spiritual path with will effort, but he must set aside his will at certain point where routes acquire a transcendent character.

Course VII - Teaching 13: Initiatory Renunciation

The Son’s practical renunciation leads him to discover the secret of the Universe. So, eventually the Son becomes renunciation. The whole secret of the Universe lies on one word, on one simple vibratory movement that is essence and existence of harmonious divine and human values.

Course VII - Teaching 15: Real Priesthood

An invariable and unavoidable question arises about the motive of renunciation when, even with unusual ecstatic fullness, certain people experience pleasures of the material world, which are as much sensual as intellectual.

Course V - Teaching 9: Liberating Automatism of Renunciation

Renunciation kills man for man to live. When men of the world observe the souls, their expressions are harsh. How many times we hear about generous people who passed away: “So it is easy to go to God, by leaving everything behind.

Course V - Teaching 15: Permanent Renunciation

The Spiritual Retreat is a gift granted every year to the Sons to recover their strength and to consider and feel again their spiritual vocation in all their inner resources. In short, days of spiritual retreat are days of true graces.

Course VIII - Teaching 5: The Future Man

Man knows himself only by parts. One can state this is a time of specialties. So, we have lost the sight of the whole, of the integral man. Body and mind of man are not a totality.

Course VIII - Teaching 15: Self-centeredness of the Soul

The soul must know itself and its own intimate and real personality. As soon as the soul contacts its intimate potential, all external things become unimportant, and only basic issues become valuable.