Course XI - Teaching 5: Love in Vows

The spiritual life of the Son is determined as soon as he enters Cafh.
It is then when the individual soul needs a backward survey to understand how, even being blind his fate destiny has led it to the spiritual way.
The greater is the divine intervention in the Son’s vocation, the more apparent is his inactivity during the first surrender.
Unknown feelings overwhelm the Son’s soul when he contacts the Path, so he notices only certain vague and dark feeling of great responsibility, and love gives responsibility.
Love is the only important thing. Love is the beginning and end of the path.
So the Son’s entrance into Cafh determines then his future destiny, but his vague and dark surrender is the link for further responsibilities and compromises that he shall be given.
As nobody knows those who are predestined to Cafh, all Sons should strive for calling all souls to the spiritual path. The only guide of a Son to conquer a soul is love, which has to be in him as a fire projected on all souls, and manifested with an immense wish for seeing all souls on the Divine Mother’s path.
This wish communicates the Son the gift of a living word for the conquest of souls by becoming a living example to the Divine Mother’s eyes and looking for them continuously.
The Vow of Silence is natural consequence of the Son’s love for the Divine Mother. The Son in touch with Cafh discovers love in the image of the Divine Mother, and he who loves wishes his beloved object alone and establishes an intimate and silent link between the soul and the Divine.
His love for the Divine Mother detaches Son from everything. He closes the eyes because his only wish is to see the beloved image. He acts with silence and reserve by cherishing an intimate prayer and inner life, which is a treasure of the Vow of Silence.
So, the Vow of Silence is not compulsory but ascetically-mystically necessary for the soul. Usually through silence a soul shall be chaste, modest and immaterial through love for the Divine Mother, and over all shall give the individual soul capacity to hear the divine voice and receive inner and direct teachings that human voices cannot utter.
Love for Vows is strong like death. That is why the Vow of Fidelity is need for the consecrated soul. The man changes continuously and can never remain in the same attitude. No human act is constant. Just love for the Divine Mother can give the soul fidelity, and cause the soul to deserve a Vow of Fidelity. Just a divine fidelity deserves this name and makes the soul to be faithful until death.
Human love becomes divine through fidelity. A faithful love is whole, total and with no reserve.
Through faithful love, the Son becomes observant, serious and attentive. He is a manifestation of his Vow of Fidelity. He is fidelity.
Through faithful love, the Son becomes careful of his feelings; he watches himself within, and well as his way of thinking.
Through faithful love, the Son participates in the fundamental doctrine of Cafh. How can a Son be faithful to the Divine Mother if he does not participate in Her way of thinking?
A faithful love is whole expression of the Cafh’s doctrine which he has promised fidelity through his spontaneous adhesion.
The Son has been led to the Vow of Obedience through fidelity.
The Vow of Obedience is essentially an act of mystical and spiritual love.
The Son can in part travel through the spiritual way with effort and will, but at certain point, where routes have not humanly been traced, then he needs to lay aside his will and surrender to the divine arms.
The soul shall not attain the goal without a Master lending him a hand and guiding him toward his high destinies.
The Divine Mother is the final route of the Son. He should surrender to Her arms in order to arrive. This loving submission to the Divine Mother is ideal for the Vow of Obedience and its fulfillment, and leads the Son to be entirely submissive to his Superiors.
A Son should see the Divine Mother alone in his Superior.
Obedience to a Superior as man is bondage. But obedience to a Superior as the Divine Mother’s image is loving subjection, source of understanding and happiness.
Human obedience is slow, heavy and hard. Divine obedience is rapid, sincere and with no reserve.
Perfect obedience leads the soul to the Vow of Renunciation. Vow of Renunciation is loving surrender. As a soul is discovering treasures of love, it should lay aside all opposites; a soul wants nothing and nobody which may move it away from the good.
Love totally surrendered is an expression beyond any mental possibility, and acts only on supernatural and divine spheres.
Renunciation follows these mystical stages: Renunciation to likes and dislikes, renunciation to possessions, affinities, consanguinity and acquaintances, and renunciation to life. Vow of Renunciation is supernatural love.
Vows are not only an action making fit Sons for Cafh, but also, over and above, a mode and result of love, and there is no other way to achieve supernatural love, except through Vows, which are a way to loving, feeling and expressing the divine life.
Vows are a living nurture that links permanently the Son and the Divine Mother.
Vows are the Path. Vows are the Divine Mother Herself.
Through his vows the Son achieves a state of permanent and unitive love with the Divine Mother.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
