Science of Life

Course XXXVII - Teaching 1: Life

The Spirit manifests in the Universe by means of Life. Man is the prototype of Life on Earth. Life is always Mind, Energy and Matter. This Law can be observed as much in Macrocosm as in microcosm, as much in a man as in an atom.

Course XXXVII - Teaching 2: Atomic Physiology

The activity of the human organism depends on the mutual harmony of the diverse atomic groups. The elements for the formation and organization of ponderable atomic groups are extracted from the Cosmic Ether by means of food.

Course XXXVII - Teaching 3: The Living Cell

Originally, an organism presents a cellular form. Originally, human cells have not any spontaneous form but an evolutive form, from the union of atoms of matter to the formation of an ordinary cell.

Course XXXVII - Teaching 4: Blood

Blood is composed of liquid inter-cellular substances, with white and red cells are contained in blood vessels. By its passage through channels of different kind, blood goes across two capillary systems; that of lungs and that of other organs at large.

Course XXXVII - Teaching 5: Tissues

Tissues are divided into three categories: superficial epithelial, deep epithelial and connective. Superficial epithelial tissues are totally renewed and removed quickly; new cells replace and push the old ones, which separate from the organism.

Course XXXVII - Teaching 6: Nutrition and Blood

Blood is the center of all phenomena of nutrition. Any element constituted by ponderable, dynamic and imponderable atoms is absorbed by blood, which assimilate, elaborates, subtilizes and expels them. Absorption is made in three modes: by digestive mode, by secretion of inner glands and by respiratory mode.

Course XXXVII - Teaching 7: Pelvic cavity

The pelvic cavity is a blind bottom closing the lower part of the trunk; it is composed of a skeletal waist, formed by the sacrum-coccyx column and iliac bones. In a man, it contains colons, bladder, pelvic portion of the urethra, seminal vesicles, different ducts, prostate, sacrum plexus and its nerves; in a woman, it contains besides colons, bladder, part of the urethra and sacrum plexus, ovaries, tubes, uterus and higher part of the vagina.

Course XXXVII - Teaching 8: Abdomen

The abdomen is an area of the trunk, which is between thorax and pelvic cavity. Superficially, the abdomen is divided into six parts: Epigastrium. Mesogastrium. Hipogastrium. Hypochondria –right and left.

Course XXXVII - Teaching 9: Heart and Lungs

Heart and lung correspond to the Heart Wheel. The heart, principal organ of the circulatory system, which plays the part of a suction and impulsion pump, has very important secondary centers.

Course XXXVII - Teaching 10: Larynx

The laryinx area corresponds to the Larynx Wheel. It has very numerous secondary centers difficult to enumerate, but we can know those of higher value. Higher vocal chords have four centers; two of them intervene in the activity of the epiglottis, to open it and to close it properly.