Course XXXVII - Teaching 6: Nutrition and Blood

Blood is the center of all phenomena of nutrition.
Any element constituted by ponderable, dynamic and imponderable atoms is absorbed by blood, which assimilate, elaborates, subtilizes and expels them.
Absorption is made in three modes: by digestive mode, by secretion of inner glands and by respiratory mode.
After being used, these elements again are expelled by blood as a residual element; water, soluble substances and gases, especially carbon dioxide.
But the most extraordinary labor of blood is that of changes of its own elaboration, so insufficiently known yet, and that are the true producers of all phenomena already studied in the organism.
Blood is mainly composed of atoms X2; these atoms are in it in higher number than other atoms already described, belonging to a thicker category, formed by atoms X and H.
Blood has over-abundant atoms X2, with a co-relative decrease of subtler atoms, that is, atoms X3, and those successively higher ones, until astral atoms.
We can hold blood is the only physical element containing astral atoms free of union with physical atoms, although in a very little number.
Through these astral atoms, a being can contact astral and higher worlds.
Glands that are fit to certain supra-physical functions would be unable to perform them without a contribution of these astral atoms.
Purity of blood in the product of reproduction is very important, because there is atomic, astral, qualitative and quantitative difference among diverse races and between one individual and another. These atoms increase in blood along with the spiritual progress of the individual and race. Also, they are true producers of atoms X and H, by means of elements reaching the blood.
We know that blood attracts and assimilates these elements, through epithelial tissues, connective and deep, and their expulsion is convenient in the same proportion of their absorption.
Sometimes, the inner blood elaboration is slow; it expels less and less quantity, or in a deficient proportion, leaving in those issues traces that were not eliminated; this is a cause of every organic disturbance, disease, ageing and death.
When astral atoms increase in blood, you get more life and normal rhythm; therefore, to the student, it is vitally important keep his blood pure and to know how to increase astral atoms.
These atoms are eliminated through the fundamental plexus and the reproductive function; they are distributed in blood according to little differences of temperature in it, controlled by the spleen and splenic plexus; they increase by right respiratory exercise, through the solar plexus; they multiply by means of the blood circulation, checked by the heart plexus and their number increases by absorption of astral elements deposited in the spinal medulla, checked by the larynx plexus.
When the number of these astral atoms is high in case of exceptional beings, mental atoms are deposited in blood; these atoms take a man near his Spiritual Liberation, although while he is still alive on Earth.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
