Course XXXVII - Teaching 2: Atomic Physiology

The activity of the human organism depends on the mutual harmony of the diverse atomic groups.
The elements for the formation and organization of ponderable atomic groups are extracted from the Cosmic Ether by means of food.
The elements for the formation and organization of the dynamic atomic groups are extracted from the Cosmic Ether in its energetic aspect; and those that form and organize imponderable atomic groups are extracted from the Cosmic Ether in itself, through Centers of force, or Ethereal Wheels.
Medieval alchemists and physicists called “salt” to these imponderable atoms; “sulphur” to dynamic atoms, and “mercury” to imponderable atoms.
The elimination of ponderable atoms enriches the Earth and its fauna; that of dynamic atoms enriches the air, climate and flora; and that of imponderable atoms, enriches the aura of the Earth, elemental forces of Nature and life of group-souls.
We need to have sufficiently into account on what part of the body, of the organism several atomic groups act, to know, subsequently, the origin of several diseases.
Solid ponderable atoms endow the organism with diverse minerals; main minerals among these are phosphorus and calcium, although all of them exist in it.
Scientists know about the existence of several minerals in the organism, although not all of them, since some minerals are in infinitesimal proportions.
Ponderable atoms influence the skeleton, muscular tissues and growth. They give vitality to the organism.
In great quantity, they are eliminated by the sperm; or are reabsorbed by blood.
In the Astral World, they have square form; and correspond to the Fundamental Wheel.
Liquid ponderable atoms endow the organism with water, which contributes to a third part of the total weight of the human body.
Water is in all liquid element of the organism, in combination or crystallization.
These atoms intervene in producing hydrates of carbon and in forming several sugars: glucose, dextrose and saccharose, as well as proteins.
Especially they influence organs of vegetative life: stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and spleen, and prevail noticeably in developing several stages of the existence, which gradually decreases as we become old. They give flexibility to the organism.
Its elimination is made through the kidneys by urine; and through the skin, by sweat.
In the Astral World, they have form of crescent moon inverted; they correspond to the Splenic Wheel. Ponderable luminous atoms endow the organism with greases, glycerides, lipids and soaps.
They constitute fatty sheaths of the nerves, are within nervous cells and influence especially the sympathetic system.
They give heat to the organism and, through the pancreatic juice, form diverse combinations, to be absorbed; they maintain in good condition the nervous system by generating energy that keep the endurance, by adapting the organism to life.
Their elimination is made by transformation in the chyle, by excrements, by ossification and by inner combustion.
In the Astral World, they have a triangular form, and correspond to the Solar Wheel.
Dynamic gaseous atoms endow the organism with three fundamental movements: respiratory, circulatory and peristaltic of the digestive system.
These atoms influence lungs, blood and gastric juice.
They form especially oxygen, which almost exists in any organic substance. They are in blood, in form of colorant matter, like constituents of hemoglobin in red cells.
Also they form hydrogen, which is in every process of organic decay.
They bring the organism into motion, and put it in contact with the outer atmosphere.
These atoms are in the composition of ferments and toxins, and are eliminated by the latter.
In the Astral World, they have spiral form; and correspond to the Heart Wheel.
Dynamic magnetic atoms endow the organism with acid substances; steroids, aromatic, uric and biliary; and with alcoholic substances.
The proportion of these substances depends on the magnetic charge, which will give health or illness to the organism. They influence different magnetic currents running through them by means of blood and of both nervous systems.
They endow the organism with magnetic lymph and give it energy.
They are eliminated through blood.
In the Astral World they have circular form; and correspond to the Larynx Wheel.
Radioactive dynamic atoms endow the organism with the glandular system.
They circulate through magnetic threads tended through diverse glands, maintained alternatively in action and in rest.
A good glandular activity depends on the perfection of this rhythm.
They endow the organism with diverse necessary emotions to life and give inner serenity through endocrine movement.
Their elimination is by external secretion of emunctory glands; they correspond to the Visual Wheel. Mental imponderable atoms endow the organism with three cerebral masses: brain –with spinal medulla–, cerebellum and solar brain.
Their centers of power dwell in the pineal gland, which is the contact point with the Spiritual Entity of the being.
They endow the brain with the necessary charge to discriminate.
Their elimination is through overabundant mental waves; they correspond to the Crown Wheel.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
