Course XXXVII - Teaching 10: Larynx

The laryinx area corresponds to the Larynx Wheel. It has very numerous secondary centers difficult to enumerate, but we can know those of higher value.
Higher vocal chords have four centers; two of them intervene in the activity of the epiglottis, to open it and to close it properly. The other two regulate the secretion of salivary glands.
When these centers are very developed, by means of certain exercises and constant practice of Meditation, those glands secrete substances with delicious taste. When their activity is deficient, they produce saliva with bitter and unpleasant taste.
Buddhists say to some person who is amazed and open-mouthed: “Close your mouth, so no evil spirit will enter it, because they have bad taste”. Seemingly, these centers do not work properly as a result of this act of amazement.
Lower vocal chords have 23 centers; every one of them produces a different vibrational vocal scale. In a man, seven of those centers are active, because if all of them worked, he could quite easily learn languages and emit sounds of Nature.
Through auras of famous singers, it has been observed that even fourteen of those centers are working in them.
The larynx has six important centers, and its property is to act opening it, by means of its muscles, helping expel gases derived from lungs.
Of them, two control and purify of certain gases the air breathed in by mouth; other two do the same with the air breathed in by nose; and the remaining two are guardians of gases that could enter otherwise.
In the infra-glottis area, there is a center of high importance that gets an aerial astral vibration entering there. When this center is highly developed, you can hear astral sounds.
The oesophagus has three centers, every one of them in three physiological straits. The first, in the cervical strait, controls quantity in the sense that, by variation of it, generates nausea; this center, in persons with long fast, secretes a very white, nutritive mucus, called “Manna” or “Bread from Heaven” in Mystique; and the third center, in the diaphragm strait, controls volume, producing nausea and discomfort; it is a relic, produced by the evolution of the animal center of the first stomach.
All these centers are related to the thyroid gland, where the principal center is. In the covering membrane of this gland there are other secondary centers, fifteen in all, especially related to the heat of the organism. Some centers, likely a half of them, rule the metabolism and production of iodine in the body. One of these centers is in contact with atoms X2, which provide with the soul of iodine. This center just works when the organism is not recharged with fatty substances of any kind, mainly sterids. If this center worked properly, a man would never suffer of cancer.
The parathyroid glands have individually three secondary centers; one influences birth and metabolism of the calcium in the economy; another, birth and metabolism of phosphorus; and the third one, birth and metabolism of ethereal alcohol, which determines the longevity of the individual.
These centers are equal in both parathyroid glands; moreover, to work efficiently, the two groups must work at the same rate. They are closely related to sex centers, in case of a perfect activity, which does not occur even in a normal contemporary man, the testosterone and foliculine would be at the same proportion in every human being.
In present men, the right and left groups of these centers work alternately by prevailing one over another; eventually they invert this situation every seven years.

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