
Course VII - Teaching 5: Participation

The Son’s spiritual path aims at participating in the Great Work, whose task allows achieving the Substantial Union. Participation means to take part in a thing or to share it.

Course VII - Teaching 6: Redeeming Participation

It is indispensable and indisputable that the Son must take part in the redeeming task of the Divine Incarnation for the salvation of beings and the individual being. But this potential redemption of the Divine Incarnation can be effective by updating it on each being; to this purpose, the Divine Incarnation has to be transformed and made effective in him.

Course VII - Teaching 8: Silence of Silences

The Man that lives in the bustle and turmoil of the world can place in his soul only manifestations of incomplete and imperfect love. The realization of the true love requires to be canalized through silence.

Course VIII - Teaching 14: Psychical Attitude

Many noble beings are working in the world for the sake of Humanity. They are soldiers of God entering the field of battle; they neither rest nor stop fighting until the final victory.

Course XVII - Teaching 2: Absorption

In essence, life of prayer usually is deep absorption. In these states of prayer, you shall find this inner point: participation. If on any ascetic-mystical path certain time is established for prayer and spiritual exercises, not always the latter are enough for absorption when the soul reduces prayer to them.

Course XVII - Teaching 4: Contemplative Life

Contemplation does not detach you from contingencies of life. Material things are not evil, but your type of relation with them may be evil. Evil is eagerness and desire, which settle life on a material level.