Course VII - Teaching 6: Redeeming Participation

It is indispensable and indisputable that the Son must take part in the redeeming task of the Divine Incarnation for the salvation of beings and the individual being.
But this potential redemption of the Divine Incarnation can be effective by updating it on each being; to this purpose, the Divine Incarnation has to be transformed and made effective in him.
Redeeming participation is identification of the Son with the Divine Presence, that is, with the Divine Incarnation.
The Son must achieve this identification by his own efforts, and even so he achieves it because he came into contact, in a pre-determined way, with cosmic powers of liberation when he started treading on the Path through his vow.
The Son takes part in the Redeeming Participation with his surrender through his initial vow, since this intimate surrender demands holocaust.
The Redeeming Participation turns the Son into radiating source of Cafh’s Work; this is the result his perpetual vow, by which he is one with the Redeeming Work of the Divine Presence and feels the human troubles in depth.
An inner expansion is born of this participation with vow and offering, and causes the Son to feel himself responsible for Humanity. As a separate being, he could not bear the evils of Humanity. A true vocational responsibility cannot co-exist with separateness.
The Son gains his Unity with the Redeeming Work of the Divine Presence through his perpetual vow but he can make this Redeeming Participation effective only through the Ordained Priesthood.
When he applies his renouncing will, this will yields fruits only if it is not a separate, personal value; therefore, the Son identifies himself with the Divine Will by renouncing to his own will.
The Redeeming Participation is an offering of life, blood and soul, since participation does not mean only collaboration or help. Even it is not an emotional affection, but a state of consciousness where the Son feels his life does not belong to him, but belongs to mankind.
The Son’s Divine Participation is the perfect gradual imitation by presence, expansion and participation in the Divine Incarnation.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
