Great Work

Course IX - Teaching 2: Cafh

Souls are in tune one another through Cafh. Cafh makes an abstraction of the worldly personality of its members for it reunites certain individuals only through the magnetic thread of their souls.

Course IX - Teaching 4: Knight Great Master

Cafh is one and its ruling head is one too, and the Knight Great Master possesses this unique and supreme authority. The Great Work demands that the different spiritual works carried out for the souls must be represented as a whole not through disturbed minds or through well-meant individuals and efforts lacking consistency but through a unique expression of their labor, ideal and will to do well.

Course IX - Teaching 8: Duties of the Sons

Cafh’s labor particularly influences those souls that form groups of seven Sons each in order to get the spiritual teaching. Each group has its characteristic, labor and mission; thence the Sons of one Table never assemble entirely, but by forming groups, with the exception of certain event or established festivity.

Course IX - Teaching 9: Benefits of the Sons

Cafh is a living body. Cafh develops and grows as the Sons express fervor, respect and dedication to it, as an organization or as a group of souls. The Great Current is the sum of efforts and energies brought by Holy Masters and Great Beings from immemorial times to help men realize their divine purposes in them.

Course IX - Teaching 15: Attributes, Habits and Festivities in Cafh

Esoteric Orders have used attributes and habits from immemorial times. Also Cafh has its own attributes and habits. The attribute has a value that is symbolic and real at a time.

Course XI - Teaching 3: Reunion of Souls

Men need reciprocal participation in events and habits in order to live together. These events and habits are at the same time source and result of blood bonds, community responsibilities and successive laws, adaptation to environment, efficient labor and stable residence.