Great Initiates of the Aryan Race

Course XXIV - Teaching 11: Disciples of the Great Initiates

Besides being helped by Initiates of other categories, Great Initiates are such thanks to numberless beings that, because of their spiritual progress, are in tune with them and with their work.

Course XXIV - Teaching 12: Mutual Relationship of Different Categories of Initiates

Great Solar Initiates ever come along with Initiates of other categories. Here we do not refer to those Initiates whose mission is to prophesy and prepare the way for Their coming or to those who work before their arrival to prepare the environment and magnetic currents to receive and give refuge to them.

Course XXIV - Teaching 13: Mission of Initiates of Fire as Guides of Souls

Souls with great missions to achieve on Earth, almost always have a reserve of energies that they bring from astral planes for the work to fulfill. They go directly until the end of the work, and so they do not care for the total waste of energy; because their dynamic work is an avalanche that stops only at the valley.

Course XXIV - Teaching 14: Current of Initiates of Fire in Secret Orders

Among missions entrusted to Initiates of Fire, one of great importance has been that of reserving the traditional spirit of the early Initiates in the most absolute silence and throughout civilizations.

Course XXIV - Teaching 15: Initiates of Fire at Present

We could trace a divide between Initiates of Fire previous to the First World War (1914-1918) and the present. Since then mankind has entered a way of synthesis of all its precedent work, which has to culminate with the destruction of ancient sub-races and the definitive settlement of the new sub-race.

Course XXIV - Teaching 16: Maitreya

About years 1972-1977, the new Divine Incarnation of fourth category is expected on Earth. Spiritual students, by their desire for knowing something about his life, mission and future, got carried away by enthusiasm and have written about Him, sung to his power, beautify his work and gave brilliance to every outline of his divine existence.