Course XXIV - Teaching 14: Current of Initiates of Fire in Secret Orders

Among missions entrusted to Initiates of Fire, one of great importance has been that of reserving the traditional spirit of the early Initiates in the most absolute silence and throughout civilizations. As yeast of wisdom, this Initiates have kept their teachings far from the worldly eyes, to offer them, now and then, to Humanity when an imperative need demands it and a decline of faith is noticeable. In the eighteenth century, Secret Orders increased considerably and developed a great social work, especially in Europe. Up to then, Initiates of Fire that ruled them had as their motto the words of the Great Initiated Master; “Orare et laborare”, to pray and work, which synthesized a whole work of retirement, prayer and inner life.
The first word, to pray, was over all; so, study and prayer came first; work was a consequence.
What they contributed to mankind was sporadic and given with the most absolute secret.
But in the eighteenth century, the Initiates of Fire leading the Secret Order divided themselves, and some of them stated as important motto for these Sects: “Laborare et orare”, to work and pray.
Humanity, its development, progress and wellbeing were all; Initiates were forced to give their wisdom and go out of their retirements in order to give themselves freely; consequently, the inner life came later.
By this new orientation, revolutions were brought about and all states of the nineteenth century experienced a transformation. Doctrine that brought modern progress, based on freedom and positivism, are fruit of this orientation: “Laborare et orare”.
But these currents never were established definitely. The importance given by the Initiates of Fire of the past century to natural sciences made love for studying divine sciences to decrease; so Secret and Initiation Orders have to feel again, in due time, the need of raising the ancient motto: “Orare et laborare”.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
