Course XXIV - Teaching 13: Mission of Initiates of Fire as Guides of Souls

Souls with great missions to achieve on Earth, almost always have a reserve of energies that they bring from astral planes for the work to fulfill. They go directly until the end of the work, and so they do not care for the total waste of energy; because their dynamic work is an avalanche that stops only at the valley. But sometimes they burst before their arrival.
So these souls need to find in their race some person that makes them stop, restore energies and remember that the living fountain is within them.
Initiates of Fire achieve this characteristic mission.
They occupy in the world an isolated, inconspicuous place; most times they are religious or pious persons; but they have such a fire within that they know how to kindle it in souls and make them achieve great works.
Of course, their public activity is almost non-existent and is entirely unnoticed, because they live to become a mirror of serenity and prayer, where souls can be reflected.
They neither teach science nor philosophy, for this work is reserved to others; they are only devoted to carry the mystical fire to the soul and lead them to love prayer and contemplation. They know he who has a worldly mission to fulfill has around him dangers where he can fall, being carried by vanity and pride; and they also know that the only security is the cultivation of inner life and love for prayer. These Initiates of Fire, guides of souls, awaken in their disciples, first, an interest in increasing the force to develop their mission and later, only to love God. A man entrusted to them will arrive sooner to the goal when he is more detached from the final result and works more for the sake of work. So, by making him forget, through love of God, his personal participation in the work, they make his success easier in the fulfillment of his duty.
All these Great Initiates of Fire have more or less an individual characteristic: externally they are mild, meek, humble and cheerful; but from these passive virtues they take out an irreducible strength of true forgers of saints and heroes.
Their motto is ever one: God is the highest good and one has to look for him over everything; to find him it is necessary to love him, and one cannot love him if there is attachment to other things.
Men that fulfill a work in the world, consciously or unconsciously are lovers of God that often waste their time by serving this or that; this is just an illusion of God. The Initiate of Fire separates him from all these things and raises these souls predestined to achieve their works only for God.
These Initiates of Fire not only lead extraordinary souls, but also numerous disciples whom, not being predestined, They guide toward contemplation by stimulation and continuous application of the will.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
