Course VIII - Teaching 15: Self-centeredness of the Soul

The soul must know itself and its own intimate and real personality. As soon as the soul contacts its intimate potential, all external things become unimportant, and only basic issues become valuable.
Self-valorization is egoentia.
The soul discovers through egoentia that its apparent ego is no more than a combination of a lot of habits, and that this is not the gist of life, it is outer personality.
Once the soul recognizes itself, the true issues of life appear such as they are, and are solved by intimate concentration, self-recognition, pure feelings and clear ideas.
So, a self-centered soul can face human troubles. A formula of centrifugal dispersion –a useless waste of energy– teaches him not to consider relative things important, and to focus his entire attention on simple postulates, which are basic causes that sustain life in the world and that, by knowing these causes, they can assist him to solve worldly troubles.
This potentially discovered egoentia is substantial enjoyment because you recognize yourself and remain in yourself.
You live this manifested substantial enjoyment as concrete reality. It would not be such if during this inner enjoyment, you fall in ecstasy and self-absorption because this enjoyment should expand and irradiate in order to be perfect.
Inner happiness concretely grants to the spiritual life an effective value by acting on life.
The soul increases hundred times its forces while expanding continuously on these conditions of inner and real self-recognition because it contacts the entire universe.
Greatness of eternity and smallness of man come together in ecstasy of “being” and “giving”, while predestination and free will are fused together and become one immense light.
Man goes toward God by fighting throughout different and unlike biological factors, by struggling between exact intellectual possibilities and free flow of intuition, by fighting against his possibilities before heritage, and oscillating always between pairs of opposites –power and non-power, evolution and stagnation, being and non-being.
But when the soul discovers itself, then it becomes self-centered. All disparity disappears and all contradiction has a relative value because the soul is in God, not like a strange factor but like an integral part of the Eternity.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
