Doctrinal Courses

Course IX - Teaching 14: Vows

With extraordinary exceptions, the soul does not keep the mystical fervor with the same intensity. Periodical enthusiasm and discouragement mark the path toward God. The triumph is of those that, despite their state or stage, never lose sight of the forged ideal.

Course IX - Teaching 15: Attributes, Habits and Festivities in Cafh

Esoteric Orders have used attributes and habits from immemorial times. Also Cafh has its own attributes and habits. The attribute has a value that is symbolic and real at a time.

Course IX - Teaching 16: Superiors

The Secretary Great Master is assisted in his labor by the Knight Secretary Master that he chooses in the Full Moon Assembly every five years among the Knight Masters of his Table.

Course XI - Teaching 1: Language of Gods

The Atlantean language and its guttural cries and strident sounds were not fit to vocal chords of the Aryans that had higher sensibility. One could say that the form of the Atlantean vocal chords was like a guitar, while that of the Aryans was like a mandolin.

Course XII - Teaching 1: Message of Renunciation

Renunciation is the only way to the world salvation and there is no other soul salvation way apart from Renunciation. This is not only a doctrinal postulate, but even essential and contingent law of the universe and Humanity.

Course XI - Teaching 2: Parts and Music Vocalization Tones

Prayers and vocal formulae preserved by Holy Texts are divided into seven parts, but only three of them are used. The first part is a group of invocations, prayers and requests addressed by the students to Supreme Powers, Masters and Divinity.

Course XI - Teaching 2: This is the Regulation

The soul transformation is immediate by contacting the Great Current: from human being to divine being, and as a man is bound to fulfill natural laws and rules, so a divine being, as soon as he becomes such, is subject to spiritual laws and rules.

Course XI - Teaching 3: Early Morning Prayer

After midnight, terrestrial currents are slowly overcome by solar and cosmic currents which gradually increase their power until the sunrise. So, before daybreak the Students would assemble and pray to God and implore to positive powers of Nature.

Course XI - Teaching 3: Reunion of Souls

Men need reciprocal participation in events and habits in order to live together. These events and habits are at the same time source and result of blood bonds, community responsibilities and successive laws, adaptation to environment, efficient labor and stable residence.

Course XI - Teaching 4: Night Prayers

Before they retire, all together recite these prayers standing, their left arms upon the right ones. MANETRAS ANK AIN (Night Prayers) I Cambuhm cambuhm Amon Adonai Ain zeman ain Amon Adonai