The Earth is shaken at every side, and men are frightened. It is neither the first nor the second time. When Solon, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, visited Egypt for his studies, certain priests in the temple of Sais talked to him about the sinking of Atlantis and the Flood, and said it had not be the only Flood but many others had occurred throughout the times with Earth collapses and emergence of new lands.
Master Santiago gives a beautiful Teaching in “The Way of Renunciation”, a Course where he explains with clarity what Mystique of Holocaust is: “Mystique of Ash in Saint Paul of the Cross”.
On August 5, Mr. José González Muñoz has left for planes of the spirit. In the file of his PC we have found his last Reflection, unfinished and uncorrected, which we have included in Master Santiago’s site as the final contribution of his writings.
Human beings do not find upon earth their wished peace and happiness. Only the detachment from transitory goods and achievement of the divine love can give peace and happiness to being.
The Vow of obedience is essentially an act of mystic and spiritual love.
The Son can travel through certain stretch of the spiritual path with will effort, but he must set aside his will at certain point where routes acquire a transcendent character.
The Idea Mother reflects the Divine thought but as this thought takes form on the human plane it acquires diverse forms and animates different trends.
Launched as a unique light ray, a diffracted Idea Mother touches the contingent plane of life.
Renunciation is the only truth that a man can know because is the opposite attachment –which is falsehood and ignorance–, on which men establish their knowledge.
To desire a permanent life and to believe that the world is a lasting good brings every misery, pain and evil to the world.
Renunciation, as a permanent, living holocaust, is not only a unique good and mean of salvation for a soul that has assumed it, but also the unique mean to help the world and redeem Humanity.
He commented his particular concern about the Ordained Sons in the world since up to recent times even he did not understand how to unite the vow of self-renunciation with an ever-constant effective action that determines this constant hell that is the world.
Sons of Cafh must observe current laws in their own countries, or countries where they stay.
Some persons think that one has to observe only fair laws, and to be against other laws considered evil to peoples.