Course V - Teaching 14: Conquest of Souls through Renunciation

A soul that renounces and devotes to God, through this renunciation becomes responsible for the spiritual progress of all souls in the world.
All beings have a mission and become responsible for its fulfillment, but the most extraordinary and highest responsibility is that of consecrated souls. Their mission is neither to work, nor to educate, nor to heal, nor this nor that; over all, their duty is the holy obligation of being devoted to Humanity and to the salvation of all souls.
Many souls say: “My strongest vocation is to help and do well”. This is wonderful: to help and do well with others. But whoever truly wants to do well, should be an extraordinary person, whose ability, experience and way of life enable for this high priesthood of leading and saving souls.
Many try this, but while doing well with others, also they do much harm, not by malevolence, but by ignorance, lack of preparedness and experience, and because suddenly are on an unknown sea. The most difficult sea is that of the souls. First you should renounce to this direct contact with world, dying to the world to resuscitate to a new life, and learning and experiencing a new science in God, and only then the Masters will appoint you to lead beings.
A total renunciation is the first necessary condition in a wholesome direction of souls: when you abandon all, you cannot think of leading a school, working at a hospital, or going to distant lands as a missionary. You neither can know it nor should wish it. Over all, you must become pure and fit to save and lead others; otherwise you would run the risk of making harmful mistakes and losing many souls.
Your first good for the sake of souls should be to renounce to their direction and to surrender totally to mystical death, with no personal will at all, because otherwise you keep your all personality that apparently you left in the world, but the former always comes back and tends to do this or that.
First, your self-esteem should be low and your humbleness absolute: “Who am I for a priesthood or to do something for someone else when still I am unable to be entirely detached from myself and when the great realization of the Holy Vows are far away?” Basically, you should surrender to God, and say: “Perhaps I will need a whole life to learn how to be detached and fit to lead souls; perhaps in the hereafter, at the end of my life.”
But at the same time, a soul that spiritually surrenders, does not know the design of the Providence. Therefore, after his Vows, a Son should be strenuously devoted to his appointed studies, with no delay. A son should not desire study or knowledge. Whoever is dead cannot desire certain knowledge; he must desire the knowledge that his Superiors wish to impart because this is the Divine Mother’s wish and not otherwise. You should reject any love to studies, which is the hardest thing because nothing becomes more attractive than this, especially among young people. But this rejection of human knowledge opens your mind to new knowledge and to a totally new teaching. Tomorrow, when your Superiors assign you a study, you will become stronger, and as you will wish to obey their will –for instance, to study only one subject– your learning shall be better and better and wider and wider.
But, perchance Sons have to abandon the study if this is not properly determined?: No. They all must learn, and their duty is to learn the best they can and to open as much as possible their minds to knowledge. A good Son has left his studies, but is ever applied to them, and this refers not only to a Son that studies, but to all of them: reading and asking good books, and paying special attention to those books that are read in Community, to lectures, spiritual retreats and teachings, and over all, to a steady consideration of teachings during the year.
It is impossible to waste time, because the study is fundamental in the Sons. According to the Divine Mother, their interests must be centered on the study in depth of extraordinary and supernatural things, because perhaps this knowledge may be indispensable: a Son should not remain distracted, and this is his holy duty before God. All Sons share values and responsibilities, and should love their studies, not with rage, but with simplicity, that is, following their routine and being patient, even those who learn with ease.
Let us remember Saint Therese’s words: “A good director must be man of science and discreet”. He must be good and saintly.
The responsibility of the Sons for their souls is tremendous; they have to experience in themselves what they must teach others, like that courageous woman who injected herself a vaccine against an infectious disease before its application to any sick person, to see the result and reaction in her own body. You cannot counsel the souls if your counsel has not been previously experienced in yourself. The Sons must be centered on inner life and must mainly practice mystique and meditation, and if possible, concentration, to experience personally what occurs in souls in general: darkness, light, and good and evil; so tomorrow, when they are instructed to lead and counsel souls, they shall be able to be sure of their good work.
Many Sons were in leading posts that apparently were strange to the spiritual life; but they were near it because spiritual life attains all those who come near the Sons. You must do everything with spiritual sense to raise the soul to a higher level and to take it out of darkness. Even to contact visitors is a spiritual task that demands knowledge and experience; otherwise, you may do much harm and make many mistakes, spoiling many souls that must seek elsewhere what they did not find in the source of the Sons.
But the Sons of Cafh must achieve a universal salvation work. Many souls in the world are claiming to God: “My God, I am thirsty!” And these souls expect light from consecrated souls because there is only one bridge, that of priestly souls that are destined to it.
The Sons are obliged to respond to those souls. But, how can you do this work if you cannot attain every area of the world? By taking perfect care of those souls that are destined to you. If you counted only on one soul and gave it all your love, experience and knowledge, and you teach little by little, not paying attention to how many souls may come later, and you achieve perfectly your spiritual work, the realization of that soul is so great that its expansion attains all souls in the world and all of them can find their own Master.
Your group may consist of seven persons, but if you care of them lovingly, if you give the best you can, and if you are patient and do not work in accordance with your personal values but with divine values, then your work becomes divine and attains all souls; it becomes an impersonal work, attains all areas in the world, and travels through all paths and roads on earth.
The Son ceaselessly must ask that the souls may find their Master at once. He should not think of whom they are or what their color is. Your thought must travel everywhere as if it were a light shining day and night, to seek all those who longer for a path.
Remember, Sons, that the souls are hungry and deprived of spiritual directors. Christ said: “Much is the wheat, but workers are few”. Every office has its own specialty, but very few people are ready for the spiritual life and for one good worker, you have ten mediocre beings in every area.
Sons, always ask of the Divine Mother, as your only good, grace to save souls: to save even only one soul.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
