Course XXVII - Teaching 7: Chaldean Magicians

As two immense rivers meeting and coming together, the ancient Divine religion of Atlanteans and the new religion of Vedas came together and flourished in the emerging Aryan race.
We have seen how Aryans abandoned plateaus and steppes of northern Asia, migrating in great caravans toward the south.
To the north-east of Africa was an inhospitable and almost uninhabited land, limited by the Black, Mediterranean and Caspian seas, the Indian Ocean and Caucasus.
As an immense mass of salt, the very thin sand of the desert was the only owner of this territory; but the new race –later known by the name of the Medes– settled on the eastern limit of this desert.
Two large rivers, Euphrates and Tigris, crossed this desert and relieved and helped in the foundational task of the new inhabitants. Those white men found there nomadic tribes of black Semites, destroyed them or had them under control, but avoiding any fusion with them and learning from these descendants of Atlanteans the history of their Divine Religion and of their lost greatness.
Afterward, the history of the destroyed Atlantis will be written on Chaldean annals under the legend of “God Belos”. Because of human wickedness, God decides to destroy them and instructs Xisutros to build an ark and to keep in it all that is good, and to sail toward the land of Nicir, a promised land of salvation.
From it, the Hebrews copied the Bible’s story about the Universal Flood.
Titan and Ner, Chaldean giants, also are glimpses of their knowledge about the Atlantean race.
The early Chaldeans’ fight against unruly Nature, the uncomfortable territory, and memory of the natural worship of their Aryan ancestors resulted in a deification of elements and of natural phenomena. But their deepest worship, which would reach a very high level of civilization, is that of the existence of life after death, of reincarnation, and of the influence of good and bad beings on Earth and men.
So, an early Chaldean Priest is a charmer that, by a perfect vocalization, moves away lower spirits and prays for the protection of good spirits.
This deep study of magic arts leads Chaldean priests and Initiates to be great chemists and very knowledgeable about the hidden aspect of Nature. As they learnt that any human influence depends upon stellar and sidereal influence, they were perfect astronomers. This is so true that Chaldean temples can be taken as great observatories.
Ancient temples were rectangular and called Ziggourats, with three, four or seven superposed floors. They were built on large artificial ridges, and the superior floor, with a half-spherical form, was a perfect telescopic device cast in silver and gold. In it there was the secret chamber of Goddess Ishtar, and nobody could enter, except the Great Initiated Priests or the Enlightened that had achieved mental clairvoyance.
Chaldean peoples that in the beginning are clans for discipline of their organization, very soon got great power and civilization. With no stones or marble like the Egyptians, they were able to write their history on immense bulks of mud, which survived until our days.
Also they adored a Unique God, Zi Ana (Creator-God), Zi Kia (humanised God), a redeemer made man, called the Great and Sublime Fish.
See here the similarity of Christ, who brings a religion symbolized a by fish as Divine Incarnation of the Chaldeans. Enlil is the evil aspect of God, king of shadowy places, of hells and evil.
Also, the Chaldeans knew the religious tenet of a Trinity, since they dignify Anu, Bel and Ea as one God with three heads.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
