
Course I - Teaching 1: Hidrochosa

New ideas and works are in preparation for the world. If the race of the Christian sign of Fishes has highly developed collective states and great mass movements, the sixth sub-race will specially develop the “egoentia” of being.

Course XI - Teaching 1: Language of Gods

The Atlantean language and its guttural cries and strident sounds were not fit to vocal chords of the Aryans that had higher sensibility. One could say that the form of the Atlantean vocal chords was like a guitar, while that of the Aryans was like a mandolin.

Course XXIII - Teaching 13: The End of the Aryan-Celtic Sub-race

Aryan-Celts were not numerous; and if their mission as lineage of the subsequent sub-race is achieved, this was due to physical characteristics of lands they inhabited, which were surrounded by very high volcanic mountains.

Course XXIII - Teaching 14: Birth of the Aryan-Teutonic Sub-race

Aryans had come into being to wage war. The era of war with Atlanteans would begin; the so-called “War of one thousand five hundred years”. The change of position in the axis of Earth enabled the Aryans to defeat totally the Atlanteans that disappeared from Earth forever.

Course XXVII - Teaching 1: The Fountain of Religions

Peoples of the Atlantean race had received the truths of their religions from their Great Instructors. These truths, strengthened by the psychic power of perception that this race possessed, were of entirely Divine character.

Course XXVII - Teaching 13: Moses’ Religion

The Atlanteans had a divine religion that, by considering the Absolute One as source of all things and unique reality, was reluctant to reflect about physical life and the purpose of man after death.

Course XXVII - Teaching 28: Incaic Worship of the Sun

Remnants of Atlantean tribes, emigrating toward the centre of the American continent, arrived following a narrow strip of land not affected by earthquakes. This wild, virgin and gorgeous continent extended until the south-east, where the Andes range showed its immaculate crests, emerging from the froth of the sea as a new Venus.

Course XXVII - Teaching 29: Ancient Mexican Religions

The Aztecs, Miltecs and Toltecs are very similar to the Incas in religion and customs, and also descendants of the Atlanteans. Contrary to the redskins of the Rocky Mountains, who had preserved the highest degree the customs of an entirely spiritual religion, with patriarchal and venerable habits, these natives of Central America were materialistic, fierce and bloodthirsty.

Course XXIX - Teaching 16: Additional Information

A Root-Race begins and develops at several places, and seven groups of this Race emerge at seven different parts of the Globe. Always it occurred this way, since the first Root-Race.

Course XXX - Teaching 8: Chinese Philosophy

The date of beginning of the Chinese philosophical school has not been determined, for it followed the line of thought of the Mongolic Atlanteans. Early dynasties fall away in the dark of the ethereal world to the extent that ancient dynasties, of five or six thousand years ago, respected them but were unaware of their origin.