Course XLIV - Teaching 5: Superior Assistant

Assistant is the Son that in a determined charge does not represent the Knight Great Master in a direct way.
Superiors, Directors, Vice-Directors, et cetera, also are called Assistants when depend on an immediate Superior who represents the Knight Great Master in a direct way.
In Community, Assistant is the Son who follows the Superior in rank, represents him when the latter is absent or disabled, and also performs certain permanent functions indicated below.
It is convenient that both authority and charges remain in the hands of some few Sons, over all in little Communities. Otherwise, the Sons are unaware of what order prevails, and since every one has his particular way to command and see things, the observance of obedience becomes heavy and confuse.
Also, the charges in Community should correspond to charges of Table: so, a Knight Secretary is Superior, a Knight Almoner is Assistant, and so on.
The charge of Assistant of Community is very difficult, and should be performed with prudence and common sense.
When the Superior is out, even for short time, the Assistant takes charge automatically and represents him in regard to Observance and orders already imparted. In this sense, his temporary authority will tend not only to fulfill properly the work of the Community, but also to fulfill the purposes of the Superior, but should not make changes or even light alterations in what is implicitly characteristic in the Superior, and his orders shall be just in emergency cases.
A personal and imprudent Assistant is whoever, in his Superior’s absence and making use of his temporary authority, imparts different rules or directives from those given or taken by the Superior. Over all, the Community must maintain its usual rhythm.
Divine Mother’s Will is not what one personally believes that is better or worse, but what is established.
But if an Assistant in charge of the Community faces an unexpected event that must be solved at once, he will assume the entire responsibility for this situation, by taking quickly the necessary steps. In the Assistant’s absence, the Son that follows him in rank takes his place in the Community.
The Assistant is always a faithful expression of his Superior’s spirit of organization and leadership, but at the same time corrects and advises him; privately warns his Superior when the latter is complaisant in relation to the strict fulfillment of the Observance, and reports about those faults that the Sons committed but that the Superior did not notice; for instance, when the Community is gathered and the Superior is present, he reports about certain faults or indiscretions of the Sons, standing up and making his observations in a moderate way. He makes his observations in a direct way if the Superior is not present.
During those hours when the Community is assembled, the Assistant leads the prayers and the Song in common of orisons, and tries to keep the established rhythm and note. Recitation and song of orisons is one of the most important duties of the Sons, and their external expression is as sign of the Son toward the Divine Mother. During the hours of Spiritual Reading, the Assistant gives to all Sons certain manual work to make, and warns them of not to fall asleep during the hour of Meditation and to remain in proper postures.
If during Assemblies and Prayer occurs an unexpected event or certain alteration –for instance, a sudden indisposition in a Son– he will try to help or to go out of the Hall of the Assembly without any noise or disturbance in the Community.
The Assistant watches over regular turns of Monthly Retreats and Lectures of Saturdays, and timely selection and due preparation of subjects. Besides, he keeps a file, which registers the movement of the Community.
If the Superior is disabled, the Assistants prepare the Weekly Report addressed to the Knight Great Master.
In those Houses where there are Works of Cafh, funds are managed by their Director and controlled by their Superior Delegate or Superior, but the Assistant takes care of funds and controls entries and debits in Houses of Community. The Superior of the Community and his Assistant must sign the cashbook. The Assistant arranges the different Courses of Study for the year, keeps them in a proper place, and selects useful and fit reading texts to the Community.
The Assistant watches over convenient and spiritual talks during recreations and days off, and when the Superior starts a conversation, the Assistant will watch over the Sons to continue and sustain it. When a Son of other Community or a guest pays a call, the Assistant must honor him, meet his comfort and needs, treat him with courtesy, and socialize with him as if he were at his own home.
Just as the Knight Master Secretary is the Guardian of Cafh’s Holy Gate and of Knight Great Master’s presence, so the Assistant is in the Community the guardian of Observance, decorum and proper development, and help and support of his Superior at any time.
The Assistant personally takes care of sick Sons and of their necessary attention. When a Son with a chronic disease needs especial care, another Son is especially appointed for his assistance.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
