Course XLIV - Teaching 1: Superior Delegate

Articles 56 and 57 of the Regulation establish that the Ordained will be directly subject to the Knight Great Master and under a Superior who represents the latter.
This Superior will be called Superior Delegate, and his charge remains in abeyance as soon the Knight Great Master arrives at the House, and does not resumes it during all the time when the latter is present there.
All the Table, as much the Community of men as that of women will treat the Superior Delegate with total respect, submission and obedience, and will greet him with the verse of the Knights Masters; “Intende Prospere; Ihes eret onk Hes”.
The Superior Delegate leads, observes and controls every act in the Community, even though is exempt of attending to them when his occupations oblige him to deal with other matters.
He must treat privately with the Superior of Community every necessary observation and modification in accordance with prudence, when and if the urgency of the case does not demand an immediate correction or solution of the problem.
All Sons of the Table can appeal personally or in writing to the Superior Delegate in their needs, and surely they will find in him a father who will be ready to help and advise them.
Sons can correspond with the Superior Delegate, without control of any kind, whether direct or indirect, on the side of Superiors.
When the Superior Delegate attends to acts of Community, he ever occupies the first place and leads those acts.
Besides, the Superior Delegate establishes activities of the Sons outside the Radius of Stability: personally leads and watches over activities of the Sons outside the Radius; arranges journey of the Sons; controls entries and exits of the Radius: letters, writings, objects, relevant purchases, et cetera; and personally deals with social, statutory and executive correspondence, or its sending in his name.
Also, the Superior Delegate is in charge of the administration and movement of funds of Community and Works under the latter and, in case that he cannot make it in a direct way, then he will control movements of administrative funds every month.
Sons should see in the Superior Delegate the Image of the Divine Mother on the earth, and the Superior Delegate must exalt this Image of Her Body of Fire before the Sons, and have to lead more through their example than through their words.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
