Superiors of Community

Course XLIV - Teaching 1: Superior Delegate

Articles 56 and 57 of the Regulation establish that the Ordained will be directly subject to the Knight Great Master and under a Superior who represents the latter. This Superior will be called Superior Delegate, and his charge remains in abeyance as soon the Knight Great Master arrives at the House, and does not resumes it during all the time when the latter is present there.

Course XLIV - Teaching 2: Spirit of Superiors

As soon as he is in charge, the Superior must surrender, from the beginning, to the Divine Mother and faithfully become a channel; the Divine Will shall flow through it, and he will transmit it to the Sons.

Course XLIV - Teaching 3: The Superior of Community

The Superior of Community takes care of the Sons entrusted to him; the Superior of Community of men, of all the Sons, and the Superior of Community of women, of all the Daughters that compound the Community.

Course XLIV - Teaching 4: Dignity of the Superiors

The Sons will be the Image of the Divine Mother in their Superiors. Truly, the Superior is neither man nor woman, but the Divine Mother who lives and acts by this means among the Sons, and they must respect and love them as such.

Course XLIV - Teaching 5: Superior Assistant

Assistant is the Son that in a determined charge does not represent the Knight Great Master in a direct way. Superiors, Directors, Vice-Directors, et cetera, also are called Assistants when depend on an immediate Superior who represents the Knight Great Master in a direct way.

Course XLIV - Teaching 6: Practical Qualities of Superiors

The Superior has to lead spiritually the Sons entrusted to him, but at the same time he must possess practical qualities to offer wellbeing to his Community. A Superior has to be capable, economic, enterprising, subordinate, skillful and of considerable common sense.

Course XLIV - Teaching 7: Director of Seminary

A Director of Seminary is a living image of Observance and of duties of life in Community. He guides the young souls that enter the Seminary with love, understanding, common sense and steady hand, since they will achieve their perfect spiritual Renunciation in accordance with how they start their life in Community.

Course XLIV - Teaching 8: Superiors in Vocational Examinations

One of the most difficult tasks of Superiors of Cafh is to select vocations of the Sons to live in Community. It is as if the Divine Mother wrapped these destinies in the deepest mystery; so one can state that just the Mother knows the secret of the soul and its destiny of spiritual development.

Course XLIV - Teaching 10: Superior Guardian of the Observance

Superiors are Guardians of the Observance. Here is the truth that the Superiors have to teach to the Sons: the Observance is external essence of the Vow of Renunciation and ineffaceable sign of choice of a supernatural mission.

Course XLIV - Teaching 11: Superior Instructor of Doctrine

The Sons of Cafh, and especially the Ordained Sons of Community, need a clear idea about Cafh’s doctrine. They must know it not only in a general form, but also must be able to synthesize it.