Course XXXVII - Teaching 8: Abdomen

The abdomen is an area of the trunk, which is between thorax and pelvic cavity.
Superficially, the abdomen is divided into six parts:

  1. Epigastrium.
  2. Mesogastrium.
  3. Hipogastrium.
  4. Hypochondria –right and left.
  5. Sides –right and left.
  6. Iliac fossae –right and left.
    In epigastrium there are: stomach, pancreas, duodenum, and solar plexus; the latter is formed by two semi-lunar ganglia and minor ganglia.
    This area corresponds to the Cosmic Ether of the Solar Wheel and has small secondary, but quite important centers disseminated there.
    Besides, the epigastrium contains liver and bile ways, which are subject to the influence of the Splenic Wheel.
    In the pancreas there are centers of personal magnetism.
    On the head of the pancreas the negative magnetic center is; wrath and fieriness that wear away energies of this center, and the individual being quickly loses magnetism. On the tail is the positive center; the movement of this center increases physical, psychical and moral power of the individual being. And in the body of the pancreas there is the regulating magnetic center; an excessive use of the two centers brings disease and death.
    In case of excessive wrath, the negative center of the pancreas excretes substances that act by hormonal way on kidneys, generating toxins; this produces a concomitant increase of urea. Instead, an excessive work of the positive center, which occurs in case of pride haughtiness and pride, gives rise to pancreatic diabetes, by action of this center on the pancreas as a whole.
    The stomach has 72 secondary centers distributed on the mucous membrane, every one of which has a characteristic property in secreting gastric juice. The latter is not always of the same composition, but varies according to foods eaten.
    Many of these centers do not come into motion, with the subsequent damage for the organism.
    Nothing can be better to move these centers than to eat without gluttony, eating a variety of foods, in small quantity of every one.
    Many centers do not work because the man has almost entirely removed hard foods from his diet.
    The duodenum has three secondary centers: the one on the bulb or entrance; the other in the middle portion; and a third center in the distal end.
    Characteristic functions of these centers are to keep the duodenum ever free of substance; when the center in the middle does not work properly, serious digestive disturbances occur by stagnation of food in it.
    Also, food has the greatest power of the Cosmic Ether corresponding to the Wheel.
    The liver has seven secondary centers corresponding to the Cosmic Ether of the Splenic Wheel, chose manifestations are insufficiently known.
    One of these centers is on the right hepatic lobule, which rules the defense against microorganisms that invade the body, by whatever way.
    Microbes can be carried to the liver: living, dead, dead but with generating portions alive, disintegrated, or reabsorbed after a previous disintegration.
    In all the above-mentioned conditions, they are disintegrated; and this right lobule forms foods and vaccines with their materials.
    When this hepatic function does not work with normality, microbes invade the organism by producing infectious diseases; and, on its side, the right lobule undergoes a disordered hypertrophy in its cells, what finally brings death.
    Other of the secondary hepatic centers is in the left lobule. It is like a customs officer in the organism, for it rules the absorption and rejection of substances rejected. In all beings, this center is altered, mainly because of preserved foods eaten.
    The Spiegel’s lobule has a characteristic center very important, for by its vibration it gives continuously life and strength to right and left lobules, aiming at alleviating their overwhelming work. The Splenic Ether coming to this center is pervaded by the remaining centers, not in a combined form, but in a separate form, with every one of their respective characteristics.
    The square lobule has another center. It also gets separate electric vibrations; and reinforces the action of the Spiegel’s center
    The essential labor of these two centers is to vitalize right and left centers, to enable them to humanize vegetal and animal substances incorporated.
    The fifth center is the minor epiploon. The vibration of this center reflects and conveys to the astral body what is occurring in the physical body of a man.
    The round ligament has a center, sex, which conveys astral vitality from a man to a woman at the moment of sexual union; and from a woman to the fetus during the whole course of pregnancy. The splenic vein vibrates simultaneously.
    The seventh center is on the bile ways; it has a vibration that produces bile.
    The mesogastrium and hipogastrium contain the small intestine.
    The small intestine has 72,000 secondary centers. Every one of these centers produces a different chemical element, a part of them destined to assimilate foods, and the remaining centers to facilitate excretion.
    Also, there are groups of them that, in state of fast, extract certain foods from blood, elaborate them in the intestine to reincorporate a part of them to the blood current, transformed in foods; and to excrete the surplus.
    These centers correspond to the Cosmic Ether of the Solar Wheel.
    Right and left hypochondria contain the liver and bile ways, spleen, kidneys, ductless glands and colons; they correspond to the Cosmic Ether of the Splenic Wheel.
    The spleen has a principal center, of great importance, which regulates any entry and way-out of astral forces of the organism. When in the organism there are many astral atoms, it contracts; when they are scarce, it expands. When the spleen is extirpated, a being is lacking control.
    The ductless glands have three secondary centers: intermediate, medullar and cortical.
    The center of the intermediate tissue intervenes in coloring the skin; by making circulate this center in certain way, a man would be able to change the color of his skin. Also, it has an important function in the metabolism of proteins and hydrocarbons.
    The medullar center, which is deeper, intervenes in the flexibility and softness of the skin; this center stops early to work and they the skin become wrinkly and flexible.
    The cause of this is excessive emotions in life, which pours to much adrenaline –there produced– on the blood, and this adrenaline is not burnt out in due proportion.
    Also, this glandular area intervenes in producing androgens and estrogens and, through it, in secondary sexual characters; also, in psychism in considerable proportion.
    This function is subject to a right operation of energetic centers of deferent ducts, in men; and of those of round ligaments, in women; with the exception of the suprarenal secretion, which intervenes in the psychic aspect.
    The cortical center produces higher hardiness or resistance in the skin.
    Besides it is a principal part in the ionic balance, especially to sustain proportions of sodium, potassium, phosphorous and calcium.
    Right and left sides contain ascending and descending colons respectively. The ascending colon has seven centers of retentive kind, which are the last barriers before the expulsion of faecal matter. Preferably, these centers absorb mineral elements. Every one of these centers absorbs substances of one of the mineral groups.
    When there is intestinal putrefaction, these centers work with difficulty, and as the result of it, weaken intestinal walls; this fosters parasitic and bacterial infections.
    The faculty of the descending colon is to expel feces and, to such purpose, has seven centers.
    Iliac fossae, right and left, contain: the first, caecum, appendix and principal part of ileum; and the second, sigmoid colon.
    The caecum has three secondary centers: one in the ileum-caecum valve; other, in the beginning of the appendix; and the third, in caecum itself.
    The function of the latter is to separate, analyze and form its own elements with those there isolated, to absorb them in its wall, where a classification of that is harmful and what is acceptable for the organism by expelling the former.
    The function of the center of the ileum-caecum valve, called “the inverter”, is to take in a backward current to the ileum substances accepted by the caecum center; these substances have, among other missions that of immunizing the organism against toxic substances ingested or produced in the intestinal tract.
    The function of the appendix center is to register and alarm the other centers, as to the presence of harmful substances carried to the caecum.
    The sigmoid center has several mobile secondary centers that serve to expel feces.
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