Course XXXVII - Teaching 7: Pelvic cavity

The pelvic cavity is a blind bottom closing the lower part of the trunk; it is composed of a skeletal waist, formed by the sacrum-coccyx column and iliac bones.
In a man, it contains colons, bladder, pelvic portion of the urethra, seminal vesicles, different ducts, prostate, sacrum plexus and its nerves; in a woman, it contains besides colons, bladder, part of the urethra and sacrum plexus, ovaries, tubes, uterus and higher part of the vagina.
On its higher part, the pelvic area is determined by an imaginary line that goes through both front-higher iliac spines; and on its rear part, through the higher edge of iliac bones, The deposit of the Cosmic Ether is in the coccyx.
Different atomic groups are formed and organized there, and distributed in secondary centers of this area.
The Cosmic Ether vitalizes every center, primary and secondary, of a human body.
The coccyx area has seven secondary centers according to the following sites:

  1. In the rear insertion of the scrotum, or rear beginning of the vulva. Its function is to strengthen the organism and to give it a young aspect.
  2. In the anal orifice; its property is to remove diseases, and manifests in secretion of anal glands.
  3. In glans or in clitoris; it enables to attract beings of opposite sex.
  4. In the lower end of cavernous bodies; it stimulates ejaculation and sexual pleasure.
  5. In pubic symphysis; it stops ejaculations and sexual pleasure.
  6. In the higher part of the albuginia of the right testicle, or higher part of the left ovarium; it determines the dose of maleness in a being.
  7. In the lower part of the albuginia of the left testicle, or lower part of the right ovarium; it determines the dose of femaleness in a being.
    All these secondary centers have specific, almost autonomous functions.
    At a time, the sacrum area has almost seven own secondary centers.
  8. In the central portion of deferent ducts or, in a woman, in Bertolinus’ glands; it enables to reject or to expel what is inconvenient to sexual nature of a being.
  9. In the spermatic channel of prostate or in the neck of the uterus; it enables the organism to be integrally renewed, every seven years.
  10. In rear perineum, that is, between anus and rear insertion of the scrotum.
  11. In the inter-gluteal groove, between anus and coccyx; it enables the communication with the corresponding medullar center, to strengthen its vibration.
  12. In seminal vesicles or uterine ducts; it enables to preserve sexual power in both sexes.
  13. In the end of deferent ducts or, in a woman, in round ligaments; it intervenes in the sensorial aspect of members, in relation to sexuality.
  14. In bladder; it regulates continence, especially that of vesicular sphincter.
    Also, between bones and pelvic periosteum, there are other seven secondary centers:
  15. On the basis of the sacrum bone.
    2 On right iliac fossa.
  16. On left iliac fossa.
  17. On right acetabulum.
  18. On left acetabulum.
  19. On pubic symphisis.
  20. On schions; this grants the power of clairvoyance to perceive chemical elements of Earth.
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