Course XXXVII - Teaching 11: Hypothalamic Area

All nuclei at the base of the brain, protuberance, cerebral peduncles, and cerebellum with its peduncles, correspond to the Visual Wheel.
The brain, with its cortical substances, white and grey, corresponds to the Crown Wheel.
The hypophysis rules over all glands of inner secretion; at a time, the Visual Wheel rules over all above-mentioned secondary centers.
In the sphenoid bone, there are small centers that, quantitatively and qualitatively, correspond to every one of the secondary centers above enunciated. They remain in latent state until a time when their particular activity becomes necessary because a disease or an accident affects relative visceral centers.
The hypophysis gland has many secondary centers.
The front lobule has fifteen centers acting on the other glands of inner secretion.
The first of these centers influences female psyche.
The second center influences male psyche.
The third center intervenes in growth.
The fourth center excites and graduates development and stability of base nuclei, according to age. The fifth center determines mental vegetative development.
The sixth center develops the ancestral amnesiac reserve in the organism.
The seventh center prepares nuclei destined to perfect a more complete mind in the brain.
The eight act on libido.
The ninth acts on instinct of procreation and preservation of the species.
The tenth center controls the somatic configuration according to sex.
The eleventh center acts on thyroid and parathyroid glands.
The twelfth acts on metabolism of fats and hydrocarbons.
The thirteenth center intervenes in the activity of the ductless glands and pancreas.
The fourteenth center excites male gonads, and voice.
The fifteenth center excites feminine gonads, mammal gonads, and voice.
These two last centers intervene in hair development.
Centers above-mentioned stimulate or stop secretions in those organs enumerated, according to a vibrational frequency.
The rear lobule has fifteen centers too.
The first center acts on metabolism mainly that of proteins and on contraction of smooth muscles in intestinal and vascular walls.
The second center acts on the nervous system as a whole, by enabling it to get the astral part of the said system, and graduates the removal of water through kidneys.
The third center acts on physical and astral compounds of the blood.
The fourth center permits the descent of an individual that needs to come into being in certain physical body.
The fifth center comes into action at death, and enables to leave quickly the physical body.
The sixth center determines normal uterine contractions in labor, and those of the childbirth.
The seventh center works when we are asleep, watching over the separation of the astral body.
The eight controls the rise of a being toward the mental world, in dream state or ecstasy. It does not act on states of insanity.
The tenth center makes the contact of an individual mind with the cosmic mind. If it vibrated continuously, a man would possess all human sciences and would speak all languages.
The eleventh center produces states of clairvoyance as to past lives.
The twelfth center causes a being to feel in harmony with certain groups of similar beings, by establishing also the grade and category to which they belong.
The thirteenth center vibrates when a Solar Initiate is near. This is True Communion.
The fourteenth center establishes clairvoyance about events at present time.
The fifteenth center is on the limit between the intermediate part and the rear lobule; it gives clairvoyance of the future, which is Divine Clairvoyance.
Through the black mass, or tuber cinereum, all energetic currents coming from the pineal gland flow; but there, all spiritual powers of the Cosmos, filtered through infinite centers of the pineal gland, enter the human universe.
In small mineral concretions of the pineal gland there are, potentially, one thousand centers destined to get a complete development after the sixth Root-Race.
Base nuclei of the brain, or thalamic area, contain infinite energetic living centers co-related to their harmonic cosmic centers. Every center is the image of an orb, and every group, the image of certain constellation of planetary system. They form a true microcosm, where there would be knowledge of human nature and its relation to the whole Creation.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
