Course XXXI - Teaching 13: The Sacred Revelation in the Mother-Idea of the Aryans

The imperfect mind of man needs a Revelation from a higher mind to affirm the revealed truth and know the divine laws, since he does not possess sufficient intrinsic media within his reach to know clearly this Revelation.
How can one explain to an insect living on the skin of an elephant that no cataclysm has occurred–as certainly this insect imagines it– and that the point is that an elephant is taking a bath in the river? Revelations known to Great Religions are fragments of a Unique Great Revelation, given to man in the beginning of the Aryan Race, by a God-Man, owner of a divine mind able to transmit this indisputable and fundamental truth.
This postulate of a Unique Revelation, prior to any known Revelation, is a truth that a student should bear in mind continuously if he wants to possess the essence of Theology.
One can prove this truth in the following forms:
Man intuits the truth of the Unique Revelation being in ecstasy, since all mystics say a man needs to come close to God as unique achievement of happiness.
Great mystics of all times and sects say, pleasure and beatitude of the soul that reaches the divine union, places in position of receiving the Revelation directly through an intellectual super-feeling that conveys the essence and sometimes the text of the Unique Revelation.
Also a man can reach the knowledge of the Unique Revelation through rational deduction and induction. This is proved by the fundamental uniformity of all religions, by verified facts of history, and by the psychological formation of different peoples and races.
Paleontologically, the similarity between eastern creeds and creeds of certain peoples of Africa has been proved, and also the belief of American Indians that were living separate by an immense continent. This similarity is not only religious, but also etymological, since there is great similarity between those ancient American languages and that of certain eastern peoples; thence the etymological similarity proves the similitude of psychological development.
Even one can prove the archaic uniformity of this Revelation through the feeling of man, as if this was a Unique Revelation engraved in the very nature of man, which drives him to establish his relationship with God and his dependence upon God, through an incentive more or less developed toward something good and moral, as an emotional, mental and even physical need of something powerful and unknown.
It is a Unique and true natural religion of man, which states a unique origin of Divine Revelation given to him in the beginning of the Race, and written on his very nature.
Cafh believes steadily in this Archaic Revelation, and also states: its categorical and written affirmation still can be discovered in some unexplored and hidden part of the Earth. Before the end of the Present Race-Root, that Archaic Revelation will be re-discovered and all Revelations imparted during the Race will find themselves and return to that great union of souls and creeds, which has to be the end of the Great Divine Work upon the Earth.
A man can deduce this Unique and unknown Revelation through classic and traditional Great Revelations, but if the Revelation is Unique and Fundamental, how can other Revelations be true, since all different Revelations in mutual contradiction cannot be true?
Revelations are not false in themselves, but they are true because of the end to which they were imparted; that is, in relation to their time, place and need.
Cafh has summarized the Divine Revelation of the Aryans on the Tomb of Hes.
All Great Aryan Religions do not allow deducing the Idea-Mother, imparted by the Great Solar Initiate of first Category. They are:
First: Natural and spontaneous human need of looking for God by his own media; man does not possess the presence of God or His vision, except being helped by God.
Second: The struggle of man between his human nature and his divine nature, when his has just rational media and fights to get his own liberation.
Third: Liberation of man must be achieved by him, not in a sudden way, but by stages, by being born, dying, re-incarnating, and going across hells, purgatories and heavens.
Fourth: But man will not be saved through his own means alone, in spite of his efforts. The rational mind will develop by constant suffering and effort in this Race, but salvation will come from God, and man will receive in the image of the Great Initiates. When man is at the door of his salvation by means of his rational mind, God alone will open the door to bring man into contact with his superior or divine mind.
Fifth: Throughout these ages, man will be constantly exposed and shaken by the great Law of Pairs of Opposites that rule over his Race, and tied to numberless relationships –a direct consequence of this continuous oscillation between good and evil.
Sixth: Man will base his entire existence on this concept of good and evil, by using his rational mind that has no more elements that those of his animal mind and flashes of his intuitive mind.
Seventh: Then, an Aryan man inherently will need moral development and desire of improved, perfected and dignified acts.
So, the Unique Revelation can become an indisputable truth, when these postulates mentioned above are of public knowledge, by a transmission made to the world by different Religious Revelations, all of them substantially similar, even though seemingly contradictory.
If for the time being the origin of this Great Unique Revelation is missing, It remained engraved on the human being, in successive Races, in laws of all peoples, and in codes of all religions.
So, Theologians of Cafh possess a Unique Revelation known not only objectively, but also known to them subjectively, which contains the truth that God revealed and imparted as Idea-Mother to all Aryan Races.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
