Course XXXI - Teaching 5: Divine Mysteries

Natural reason can investigate a little by itself about Divine Mysteries.
A man knows God in a nominal way, but his reason, through constant and fervent desire of investigating the nature of God, may have a confuse knowledge in its magnetic mental field. A mind never can comprise entirely the divine knowledge, and even though a mind gets an extraordinary perfection –like that of an angel– it will have knowledge of God that will be infinitely higher, but deprived of a total knowledge. Knowledge of God comes to human mind in a very vague way, through natural reasoning, while he is “Viator”.
Later, reason receive a confuse intuition from the knowledge of God, when he is “Peregrinus”.
Later he receives knowledge from beatific God, or clear intuition, like a drop of water reflecting in it the entire image of the sun.
But mental speculation produces, by consecutive inter-related reflection, more a more sure knowledge of God, first, rational; then, intuitively confuse; and later, beatific; and through the gift of individual consciousness, this knowledge is seemingly more and more total, when really it is not so. Then, a sage looks for definitions to explain his truth and deduces third truths from his contingent truths, which are no more that partial truths, and he builds on them entirely false systems, and sometimes gets forced conclusions.
Before certain problems, sages of HES rather revere the Mysteries of God and of the Universe, remain mute and do not give forced explanations.
Certain people define: God with the Universe is only one thing. The Spirit is in every extant thing and, together with what exists, it develops and perfects itself.
See how false this proposition is. Certainly, how the Most Perfect Being may need self-perfection through His Universe?
The Most Perfect Being, pervading the Universe of Himself from the Eternity, need not become such through an evolution plan.
It is a Sacred Mystery that the human mind cannot know.
Other people define: The Eternal Being emanates or creates something that is Himself and similar to Him; but in fact this emanation or creation is something imperfect, since it should evolve continuously to reach the supreme perfection and, also, this Universe –which will like God– never will be God. Also you can see the falseness of this proposition: so, through this concept, God eternally separate from His Universe; then, two principles would eternally exist, one more perfect, another less perfect. Why does God emanate or create the Universe?
It is a Sacred Mystery that the human man cannot understand.
And other people define: The Eternal One never becomes reality; He just differentiates, and this differentiation is illusory. But if there is an Absolute One and a differentiation, when does this differentiation occur? Also, in establishing a point where the Undifferentiated One becomes differentiated, also two principles are established.
Notice again this falseness. If the Absolute One reaches a differential determination, at once two aspects of Himself are established: real absolute and illusory absolute.
When, why and how the Non-Manifested One makes a difference?
It is a Sacred Mystery that the human mind cannot know.
Man can enlarge his intuitive knowledge through these varied propositions, but is unable to possess this entire truth ideologically or spiritually.
Two sages discussed about a theological matter and while one spoke with accurateness and clarity about a concept, the other kept quiet with no affirmation or refusal. The two concluded that a theological work needs many explanations, definitions, clear words and established concepts, but that great situations and great mysteries are solved by a great silence.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
