Course XXIX - Teaching 2: Uranian Race
The Lunar Round had achieved its mission and granted perfect human bodies to monads, but it needed to take the last and more important step, because those beings had to descend and know the gross, material word.
So they needed physical bodies.
Thence it transferred its entire potentiality to the young Earth, which for numberless millennia rotated immutably as a fiery balloon with an axis that was exactly perpendicular to the ecliptic.
All their hopes were centered there.
Patiently they waited for the time when the beneficent Uranus would harden the terrestrial crust, providing with a Continent to the first Root-Race –a vast continent, located on one of present poles, surrounded by a red ocean of fire and vapors, where powerful reddish reflections of electric discharges illuminated the atmosphere.
The light did not exist in those times because vapors and gases surrounded the Earth as a whole; but inner embers and discharges of the cosmic ether illuminated the planet, which formed large roving balloons; these illuminated balloons collided with one another and produced frightful explosions and crashes.
Suddenly, the first Root-Race, called Uranian, was terrified.
Immense monsters pullulated on the lava of those seas, –an offering of the elemental mindless Nature to the new surge of life. Most of those beings refused inhabit those monstrous bodies, which perished by lack of vital and mental sustenance. But they are already tied to the Earth and, in spite of being separate from their monstrous bodies, remained tied to them.
Ethereal bodies were taking form by the power of the astral body of those beings and also by the elemental constitution of those monsters, which projected themselves onto the Earth just as immense shadows since their nature was very subtle.
Throughout successive eras, these early races remained tied to the Earth just by a reflected terrestrial shadow; but in the last times, these “egg-skins” of the Uranians grew physically tougher by the help of powerful electrical currents that gradually were shaking and cooling the planet; finally shadows gave birth to other shadows, by dividing themselves exactly into two parts. This division into two was brought about during the three last rounds of life.
Whereas these ethereal shadows had no “senses” in the true meaning of the term, however they had a vivid perception that could substitute the present sense of hearing of the last Uranian sub-races.
Aeons and aeons had passed. Gradually the Earth grew cooler, but at the cost of great quakes that displaced its axis and brought a glacial era.
Gradually this glacial era invaded the planet; simultaneously, vapors around the Earth ceased, the boreal light appeared –after this light, the Continent was called “the earth where the sun never sets”, and developed the most luxuriant vegetation ever known. But finally, ice covered all as a white shroud and turned the eternal springtime into an endless winter.
So, the ice destroyed, or rather buried the first Continent as a relic.
All religions would remember this Root-Race as owner of the Earthly Paradise, of the Lost Eden; and also its luxuriant vegetation, its fantastic scenes illuminated by the multicolored Great Element, where the light (a fruit of terrestrial energies) competed with the Solar light hidden behind a curtain of shadows around the earthly aura.
The Hindu would sing their most beautiful hymns by calling it “earth of the Pole Star”, divine Zveta-Dvipa, abode of the Chaya.
A torrid, deadly wave covered the planet. Nature had failed by trying to offer a body to its Divine Dwellers. Seemingly all was lost, but death is life, and defeat becomes victory in the evolving Cosmos.
And earthly movements become normal again; a centrifugal heat of the Earth overwhelms its cold crust, its surface grows softer again, and later, red oceans take form and gaseous whirlwinds cut through them.
The bluish green light of Vayu illuminates everywhere, and a new Continent has appeared –real human Continent, abode of the first beings in spirit and flesh.