
Course XXIX - Teaching 2: Uranian Race

The Lunar Round had achieved its mission and granted perfect human bodies to monads, but it needed to take the last and more important step, because those beings had to descend and know the gross, material word.

Course XXIX - Teaching 3: Hyperborean Race

Aeolus, the swift god of the winds was cleaning the terrestrial atmosphere of all its impurities from one place to another; and the Sun was constantly shining with clearer luminosity than today.

Course XXX - Teaching 7: Concepts of Principal Vedic Schools

Indian philosophy neither names nor refers to the absolute principle existing beyond any principle; the Buddha is the luminous exemplar of this modality in those ancient masters of India, for constantly he refused to speak of the beginning of the INFINITE.

Course XXXVI - Teaching 2: Elementals

The terrestrial element, Prithivi, creates elementals as guardians and caretakers of terrestrial movements, growth of trees, vegetation, and reserve of lands that the man should not contaminate. For an old legend, these beings are short, long-bearded and grotesque; according to tales and mysteries arisen from fantasy of the people, they have been called dwarfs, goblins, gnomes, et cetera.