Course XXIX - Teaching 15: Fight of 1,500 Years

The Atlanteans lost totally their power by the year 23,927 before Christ and one can say now the new Aryan Race ruled over the whole world.
But a colony of Atlanteans was safe and sound in Atala Island, where it tried to conquer again the world.
They founded the powerful school of the magoons, and since they possessed the secrets of the ancient magic, selected and instructed the most gifted of them for the time of destruction.
They made iron men, who animated by elementals obeyed blindly and totally their orders.
They worked strenuously for centuries, by making electric missiles, powerful airships and corrosive and destructive acids of any kind.
They discovered a fluid to become invisible because were knowledgeable about 192 basic chemical elements.
Well prepared and ready to destroy the world, they started off on the land of Abelton, present Africa. And the “Fight of 1,500 years” began.
Black magicians fought against white men, and the Aryans were killed. While the latter defended themselves with courage, millions perished before those seemingly invincible iron monsters guided by black magicians.
The Atlanteans said, “we shall conquer the Earth again, and shall abduct women of the white men, that we have coveted so much; we shall create a beautiful race, a pretty race like those women that we shall abduct, and this race shall possess our wisdom and power”.
But in those days, a great number of Initiates incarnated amid the Aryans to prepare them for the victory. Seven hundred Initiates of Fire re-incarnated and all together were ready to fight. But in spite of all, the Atlanteans were gaining ground; finally, Nature came and assisted those men who had to colonize the new land.
The earthly axis changes position when a sidereal years ends up, and this occurred in those days. Water and fire fell from the sky for forty days; finally, the Earth was under waters.
Peace was re-established and the Atlanteans wanted to follow their way, but being unable to walk, lost their balance and fell to the ground because their brain centre was altered.
On the other hand, the Aryans made the most of this change, since their brains were ready to new terrestrial metamorphoses.
The Aryan Initiates deprived the iron men of the “elemental” power, and then the Atlanteans could not keep their lives safe.
The Flood had swallowed Atala, the land of sin, and the Aryans ruled over the Earth at the end of this fight that lasted 1,500 years.
The Initiates quitted and founded colonies of students on seven parts of the globe.
The first colony was on Poseidonis Island, a relic of the Atlantean Continent, which disappeared 11,000 years ago.
The second colony was established on the “Roof of the World”, Tankaton, present massif of Tibet.
The third colony was on the shores of a lake, present Gobi desert.
The fourth colony was amid rocks in the people of Abelton, near Madagascar Island.
The fifth colony was on the land of Arantua, present San Luis Sierras, Argentina.
The sixth colony was on the land of Miahenthar, present Grand Colorado Canyon.
And the seventh colony was on present mountains of Scotland.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
