Course XXVII - Teaching 4: Egypt

Ancient Egypt extended beyond the north-western side of Africa to an island that is totally sank today. The first five dynasties, whose memory is lost in centuries, belonged entirely to the Atlantean race and, therefore, were of Semite origin.
After the defeat of ancient Atlanteans by the new race, that is, by the early black Aryan Semites, Egypt was the cradle of the second Aryan-Semite sub-race, which peopled the southern part of present Egypt, after the old Atlantean Egypt was buried in the ocean.
An ancient Egyptian legend remembers this Flood when the King Menes changed the course of the river Nile and built the city of Memphis on the other shore.
Thence Egyptian religion was mostly related and similar to Atlantean Wisdom, and to Divine and Initiatic secrets of the lost continent.
Sciences of Egypt, which built works that today still wonder the world, are missing and hidden because they belonged to the Priestly School of Egyptian Atlanteans, that Pharaohnic Egyptians had inherited and learnt.
The custom of placing the Pharaoh over priests, contrary to Hindu Brahmans’ custom, proves the deeply rooted memory of the early Great Kings of times of the Great Fight, who at the same time were Priests Seers and Initiated Kings.
Egyptian religion essentially is based on this concept: a human and powerful kingdom, image of the Divine and Superior Kingdom.
The Pharaoh, the King, absolute leader of everybody in this great territory, becomes unique power, first voice and true image of God. He rules over life and death, and is true King, protector of his people, unique Priest and intermediary between Earth and Heaven. Nobody is over him, except him.
He had at his disposal not only the army, but also the whole Priestly College; rather, the army was the Pharaoh’s human force, and the priestly caste, his divine force.
A Pharaoh was not only the Mars of war, but also the Highest Oracle of the Temple. In this image of the Intiated King of Egypt the entire power of this undefeated race is summed up, which fearlessly and haughtily will pass through millennia until the fulfillment of its mission and the acquisition of the whole necessary experience.
The Egyptian Kingdom was vast, but properly ruled and led. This people, whose Pharaoh was a God, at the same time deified Nature and forces derived from Nature; and since they were purely peasants and farmers, deified earth and its fruits, the Sun and stars, and over all, the torrential Nile, that great river that was able to produce abundant crop or famine.
This river was so highly deified that they considered a sacrilege any attempt to find out its source, since according to a legend, its source was in Heaven, in the bosom of the divinity.
This simple and hard-working people, with no other religion than momentums of the soul and natural manifestations around, and with no other power than that of their king, toughly fought the Aryans that wanted to deprive them of their own soil, and also fought against the Aryan Semites that came into being from the bosom of the Egyptian people but became independent like the Israelites and Assyrians. Also, in the dawn of the race, the latter had to fight against the last Egyptian Atlanteans that were violently opposed to formation of this new type of man. Under the guide of their Divine Instructors, the first Pharaohs’ dynasty, they were able to purify their race and their Divine Religion, since around it, which dominated like a strong tree, forms of the human Aryan Religion flourished.
Here is the division of dynasties of Egyptian Pharaohs:
I and II: Thinites;
from III through X: Memphites;
from XI through XX: Thebans; and
from XXI through XXX: Saites.

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