Course XXI - Teaching 6: Affective Meditation on the “Golden Temple” and the “Veil of Ahehia”

The “GOLDEN TEMPLE”. What is consolation? It is very hard to know because usually you mistake it for a soft pleasure of the soul. Many times you call consolation the fleeting oblivion of your own work. People feel that consolation is rather a kind of proof that they are doing things properly. It is a divine breath to restore energies, and not a truce or rest; it is a surge of fresh air ventilating the soul that is a little flooded by vapors of the fight; it is a kind of spiritual amendment and re-invigoration.
A new optimism comes with consolation, but this optimism gradually disappears during the work; with consolation, you smile again to life and stop frowning. Consolation makes the soul turn again to this supreme reality: in fact, the game of life is a wonderful game for the eyes of simple souls. Sometimes one loses and sometimes wins, but the fundamental thing is in the very game, in participating and looking at the face of God now and then. God is an opponent, and not a judge. The “VEIL OF AHEHIA”. In this game of life, sometimes one removes the veil of Ahehia and looks directly at the Ahehia’s face. Where is Ahehia?
We are wrong when we begin our inner search by investigating subtler and subtler planes and sub-planes in this quest for Ahehia; this is excessive movement. But the more you move, the lesser you see; because Ahehia is anywhere, or rather, is in wisdom and inner peace.
It is as if you were a botanist who, willing to know Nature, first would see a flower, then a seed, later a small tree, and finally another bigger tree. But you have to bury a seed and expect for years by watering and manuring the plant till the tree is fully grown. One should not move, but things have to move.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
