Course XX - Teaching 9: Other Affective Passive Meditations

Subject: The “GOLDEN TEMPLE”. Effect: “CONSOLATION”.
I ask the Holy Mother: grant me the consolation of Your Divine Vision. Please, allow me to see You, Mother of mine.
Imaginative Picture:
I do not see, but I see, Mother of mine.
I see Your Image here, in the center of my soul, in my innermost being.
I do not see You, but I see You, Mother of mine.
Through this vision of faith, I sense the Mother inhabiting my soul, my Mother in me, totally in me: in my soul, in my heart, in my entrails. I am sure of this miracle, my faith is unbreakable, and this certainty is higher than that of my own sight. I sense this certainty of my Divine Mother in me, as the highest consolation of a poor soul on this Earth.
My purpose: to remain always in the Divine Presence of the Divine Mother in me.
My purpose: to think many times a day: She is here, calls you and sees you.
Through the Divine inner Vision of the Divine Mother, I get consolation of faith and strength, consolation of endurance and perseverance, permanent consolation that She will disclose Herself in me on Earth, with Her total glory and infinite beauty when I achieve my inner liberation.

Subject: The “VEIL OF AHEHIA”. Effect: “BLISS”.
I ask the Holy Mother: please grant me to enjoy and live Your own life.
Imaginative Picture:
Mother of mine, I see my gradual self-dilution in You.
I see how every person disappears in Your Eternal Life; I disappear in You.
I sense how my own being disappears personally, as a whole, in the Divine Mother.
I sense now it is not me who lives, but She is who lives in me. I sense how Her life flows continuously, transforming everything around, and Her own life makes me participate in the infinite bliss.
I sense the true happiness is not to live by one self, but to live in Her.
My purpose: to stay hidden, properly concealed and quite detached from everything.
My purpose: may the Life of the Divine Mother –Her Will, Her Eternal Expression– is externalized only in me.
Through this concealment in the Life of the Mother, I succeed in achieving full life physically, mentally and spiritually.

I ask the Divine Mother: please, grant me the ecstasy of Your Divine Presence.
Imaginative Picture:
I see my inner essence like a subtle and radiant veil mixed and identified with the Divine Essence of the Holy Mother.
I sense this ecstasy of union like a deep peace, incomparable calm, final and soft staying and feeling. I sense this ecstasy as if life and death had disappeared in me, remaining only my essence through a subtle feeling and an almost imperceptible knowledge of eternal becoming.
My purpose: to reach constantly an ecstasy of Peace; that inner Peace that, far away from big flights and deep disappointments, is permanent and steady happiness. Peace is the purpose of my life. Peace, supreme ecstasy and happiness.
Mother of mine, I succeed in living a deep peace in all my outer and inner senses. It is only you that live in me.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
