Course XX - Teaching 14: The End of Stimulating Affective Meditations

Meditation: “RESURRECTION OF HES”. Effect: “RAPTURE”.
Oh Jesus of mine, I beseech You to unveil me the secret of your death, of death, and of all deaths. I beseech You, in shedding till the last drop of your blood and truly dying, to tell me why individual beings die and we do not see their resurrection.
Imaginative Picture:
I see Christ dead. I see His body forsaken, lifeless, with no drop of blood.
I see Christ dead, bloodless, exhausted, lifeless; dead, entirely dead.
I sense the death of Christ as total death. Truly, no trace of life is in Him. When an individual being dies, seemingly he wants to take with himself something to the tomb: name, memories, personality, works. But Christ nothing leaves behind Him. All things coming after Him will start from later memories of his disciples. But this so impressive death unveils me the secret of Resurrection. I sense Him dead, totally bloodless and leaving nothing personal behind, but now He lives in all things, in all beings, in all those whom He has loved and wanted to redeem.
My purpose: to get and grasp the Rapture of His Resurrection by means of this sorrow caused by the image of Christ’s death. I have seen how the Essence of Christ’s Blood, His physical and spiritual blood as a whole is dead; I have seen Him getting out of Himself, expanded around, on the atmosphere, in the city, among friends and enemies, in the past and future, and in all things.
My purpose: not to lose this moment of understanding that is the Rapture that transforms fleeting death into Eternal Life.
I succeed in being with Christ in all things. I succeed in rising with Him; I understand that my death and all deaths will be only transformation, expansive Resurrection in the Kingdom of God.
Christ’s death is Eternal Life, Full Resurrection.
I understand this quite well and, through this understanding, I reach in my soul a state that so far remains unfamiliar and is Rapture.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
