Course XVIII - Teaching 9: Difficult Exercises I
- Lateral position. Rotation of head to left, and later to right, while you offer resistance with your hand leaned on the chin. Later, the same with left hand. Four times each (Figure number 122).
Neck relaxation. Relaxation exercise number 25 b. - Lying down face upwards. Hands on the back of the neck; feet, at the distance of the width of a hand from the ground. Also, keep points of feet attracted. Raise each leg as much as possible, with points of feet attracted. Breathe out calmly. Three times each.
Get up and lay down face upward several times at top speed.
Abdominal breath. Respiratory exercise number 4. - Natural position. Arms bent as in race position and fists clasped. Move left leg somewhat forward, and lean point of the foot on the ground. Now raise this leg forward with strong drive in such a way that the thigh remains on the horizontal line. Later, stretch with downwards-backwards drive while at the same time you raise the right heel and bend the trunk backward. Unite movements to raise and stretch the leg with a little of violence. Do the same with the right leg. This produces quick-strength and stretches groin muscles. 4-6 time each (Figures numbers 123, 124 and 125).
Full breath. Respiratory exercise number 3.
Thigh and leg relaxed through knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 18.

- Lateral position. On your back, at half step from the wall. Arms high up; bend backward the upper area of the spine. Remaining area, from lower rib, must be vertical. While you keep this position, breathe calmly.
Later, in the same position, raise and lower heels. Later, incline trunk forward and relax it while you let arms hand loose (Figure number 126).
Chest breath. Respiratory exercise number 1, with full breathing out.
Back relaxed back through fall of trunk Relaxation exercise number 24. - Crawling position. Stretch legs backward in such a way that the latter form one line with the body, which leans on vertical arms. Bend and straighten arms, while keep one leg stretched and raised from the ground. Your body must remain erect; you must not raise buttocks. This strengthens arm extensors. Later shake arms. Six times (Figure number 127).
Both arms relaxed through knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 8. - Natural (or at attention) position. Hands on the back of the neck. Raise right leg through forward-upward rive and also to side-upward, while trying to reach the climax. Meanwhile, keep the trunk immobile. Four times each (Figure number 128).
Leg and thigh relaxed through knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 18.

- Natural (or at attention position). Lean your straight leg ahead on the bend knee of an assistant. Hands on the back of the neck, and bend the trunk backwards while at the same time you breathe out. Leg leaned on the ground remains straight, and the assistant holds the heel of this leg that he leans on his own knee (Figure number 129).
- Crawling position. Stretch legs backward in such a way that the erect body leans only on vertical arms and on tiptoe. Attract and stretch repeatedly both legs with knees together. Six times approximately. Then, attract one leg, and stretch and attract alternately legs. Six times.
Chest breath. Respiratory exercise number 1. Arms and shoulders relaxed through knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 10. - Lateral position. Low arms, clasped fists, knuckles looking forward. Forearm leaned on arm and, with greatest tension in muscles, again stretch your arm slowly. While you stretch one arm, bend another. Direct you will to the arm extensor (triceps). Strive as much as possible for stretching the arm, and breathe in before any effort. Then shake arms. Six times each (Figure number 130).
Full breath. Respiratory exercise number 3.
Arms relaxed through shoulder drive. Relaxation exercise number 1.

- At attention (or natural) position. Hands on the back of the neck. Raise and trace circles with each leg that shall remain straight: also, leaned on wall or chair. Three times each.
Diaphragm breath. Respiratory exercise number 2.
10 a) Lying down face downwards. Join hands at your back. Quickly or slowly, in simultaneous way, raise head, trunk and legs, while at the same time you breathe out. Practice this several times until you feel tired. This produces active contraction in all trunk extensors. This exercise is almost unique in its kind and encompasses muscles as a whole. Compare with Very Difficult Exercise number 23. - Lateral position. Keep one semi-inclined arm upward and the other arm semi-inclined downward. The drive of the arm above is forward downward, while that of the arm below is simultaneously backward-upward. So, both arms related circles at both sides. Practice this with certain intensity. Hips yield a little with this movement, but knees remain straight. Breathe calmly and continuously. Later, breathe as follows: Breathe in during three drives and breathe in during five drives. Later, increase from three to six: from four to seven; and from four to eight.
Breathing out. Respiratory exercise number 5. - Natural position. Powerful jump upwards while you straighten the whole body at the same time, and with drive of arms upwards. Four times. Do the same, by practicing simultaneously a quarter turn or a volte-face on the air.
Breath for heart recovery.
Hips relaxed through lateral trunk drive. Relaxation exercise number 20.