Course XVIII - Teaching 15: Very Difficult Exercises III
- Natural position. Extremely, on tiptoe. Bend knees directed forward, and lower trunk. Now, move hips ahead in such a way that your knees come close to the ground, and straighten both legs as you continue to move hips ahead. Loose arms. Excellent exercise to strengthen leg extensors, and to stretch the front trunk area. You can practice this exercise slowly or quickly. 2-3 times (Figures numbers 183, 184 and 185).
Chest breath, breathing out with resistance. Respiratory exercise number 6.
Relaxed leg through knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 17.

- Sitting on the ground. Legs stretched, and arms high up. Drive trunk forward, as at the same time you move one stretched arm backwards, and the other arm forward. Alternately change with each drive. Ten times (Figure number 186).
Breath for heart recovery, lying down face upwards.
Sitting down and getting up several times very quickly, and without hand help. - Crawling position. Stretch both legs backwards. Vertical arms and erect body on tiptoe. Separate hands at an equivalent distance of one and half times the width of shoulders. Bend arms and run entirely the body weight on your right hand. Straighten arms, as you rest this weight on your right arm. Later, do the same, on points of your fingers. 3-6 times each. Shake hands, and squeeze arm extensors with both hands.
Relaxed arms and shoulders through knee drive. Relaxation exercise 10. - Natural position. Jump changing fast leg positions. First jump, with both legs. Second jump, by leaning laterally left leg and from there, during the third jump, attract left knee toward the chest in such a way that you lean it ahead on the ground for the fourth jump. Later, another jump with both legs, and repeat with right leg. Arms driven upwards and towards the opposite side, and trace circles. Next, lie down face upward, and shake raised legs.
Breath for heart recovery, with full breathing out. - Lateral position. From boxing position, raise and lean your arms according to Figure. Fists at each side of the head, and horizontal forearms. Strong blow with both fists simultaneously backwards, and horizontally, if possible. Trunk yields only on its chest area, and knees remain straight. Breathe out as you move with vigor. After you straighten both arms backwards, let them fall relaxed downward, and from there they go back to the initial position. Shake hands. From six to eight times. This exercise stretches biceps, and chest and abdomen muscles (Figure number 187).
Full breath. Respiratory exercise number 3.
Relaxed shoulders and arms, through inclined trunk rotation. Relaxation exercise number 12. - Sitting on a chair or bench. Hands on the back of the neck, or arms high up. Feet under a cupboard, or held by an assistant. Lower trunk backwards, in such a way that first your back gets down, and later shoulders and head get back. After a light contact with the ground, raise in such a way that head and shoulders remain ahead of the back (roll with curved back). Excellent exercise to strengthen abdominal muscles. Breathe in the beginning of the exercise, and breathe out slowly during its practice. From three to four times (Figure number 188).
Breath for heart recovery, lying down or sitting down.
Hip relaxation through lateral trunk launching, by means of knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 20.

- Sitting on the ground. Crossed legs. Stretch left leg toward a side. Bend trunk with elastic insistence, to left. Left stretched arm touches left leg, and raised and leaned right arm, over head. Do the same to right. Next, tap your thigh. Two times each.
One turn of the back backwards, curved back and shrunk head, and finally in standing position (Figure number 189).
Abdominal breath. Respiratory exercise number 4. - Wide lateral position. Parallel feet. Arms in boxing position. Rotate or incline body to right, with light flexion of right knee. Raise body though drive as you also straighten the knee, and launch right shoulder forward, in such a way that your leaned right arm is driven forward-upward, and ends up its course downwards to left, over left knee that now is bent. Do same to right. Later, practice these movements (hooks from below), in fast succession. Do the same, in step position, or knelt with separate knees. Later, breathe in during three movements, and breathe out during five movements. Afterwards, increase to three and six, four and seven (Figures numbers 190, 191 and 192). Great breath for heart recovery.

- Knelt on the ground. Trunk and thigh on one line. Arms high up, at attention or natural position, or join palm of one hand against another. Incline trunk and thigh backward to form an acute angle against the ground. Rotate trunk to left, and later to right. Later, combine rotation with binding trunk laterally. Two times each (Figures 193 and 194).
Diaphragm breath. Respiratory exercise number 2. Whole bodily relaxation.
Relaxation exercise number 28. - Lying down face upwards. Arms stretched over head. Hands leaned on lower edge of a cupboard. Raise the body in such a way that it stands vertically on shoulders, and later lower it slowly and entirely erect (or first with legs hanging downward) until being close to the ground, and later raise it again. Put a cover rolled under your shoulders. 2-3 times.
Practice the same exercise in such a way that your body rolls and unrolls one part after another. Next, in lateral position, let the trunk fall forward, and relax with loose arms (Figure number 195).
Trunk relaxation. Relaxation exercise number 26.

- Knelt on the ground. Right leg ahead on the ground (Knelt in passage position). Lower the body on left heel. Raise and return to the precedent position, body weight resting on right knee in such a way that the left leg remains straight. Drag left leg forward. Now, body sitting on right heel. Do the same, again toward left heel. Shake and tap legs (Figures numbers 196, 197,198 and 199).
Thigh and leg relaxation. Relaxation exercise number 18.

- Natural position. Feet apart at a distance of half step. Bend slowly both knees, and simultaneously raise heels and arms high up in such a way that at the same time you curve the trunk backward and finally both hands touch the ground. Form a bridge with your body, which leans only hands and points of feet on the ground. You can learn this exercise by using a table, chair or bench in order to bend the trunk backwards. This exercise strengthens and stretches.
Practice the same from lying down position face upwards.
Great breath for heart recovery.
Whole bodily relaxation. Relaxation exercise number 28.