Course XVIII - Teaching 14: Very Difficult Exercises II
- Passage position. Run body support over front leg. Arms high up, incline trunk forward, and at the same time raise rear leg in such a way that arms, body and raised leg remain on one horizontal line as much as possible. You can bend lightly your support leg, and raise your head. Practice this exercise with each leg as you breathe out slowly. Two times each (Figure number 168).
13 a) Knelt on one knee. Stretch the other leg backwards. Lean both hands on points of fingers on the ground. Raise elastically the whole body toward the position described in precedent exercise, on tiptoe. Diaphragm breath. Respiratory exercise number 2.
Back relaxation through inclination drive. Respiratory exercise number 22. - Lateral position. Parallel feet and hands somewhat leaned under hips. Move trunk forward and backward through drive, as your hip yields. Practice this with drive. First, breathe quietly, and later, breathe in during two double drives with the following progression: two and five; three and six; three and seven; four and seven; et cetera.
Breathing out. Respiratory exercise number 5.
Hip relaxation as you rotate the trunk inclined. Relaxation exercise number 21. - Lying down face upwards. Attract both legs and put them vertically on the ground. Lean trunk on elbows resting on both sides. Raise, lower and move hips laterally. Raise and lower heels. Later, tap thighs and calves. 4-6 times.
Leg relaxation through knee drive. Relaxation exercise 17.
Lie down face upwards, and raise several times at full speed.

- Lying down face downwards. One hand over other; both leaned on the ground, under the chin area. Now, straighten arms, and raise your erect body, which also remains leaned on points of your feet. Bend and straighten. Breathe in as you bend. 3-5 times (Figure number 169).
Later, shake arms, and squeeze arm (triceps) extensors.
Chest breath. Respiratory exercise number 1.
Forearms relaxation through rotation. Relaxation exercise number 5. - Wide lateral position. Parallel feet. Bend lightly knees. Bend trunk forward and let both arms hang. Move substantially your hips forward, and this way raise the body with your back forming an arc, and raise on tiptoe. Also practice this exercise with stretched arms forward. 4-6 times (Figures numbers 170, 171 and l72).

17 a) Lateral position. Arms high up, naturally. Bend through drive the trunk to right as at the same time you bend entirely the left knees, while you yield elastically with both arms downward to right. Do the same, to left. 2-4 times (Figure number 173).
18) Lying down face upwards. Arms at both sides of your body; if possible, hands on the back of the neck. Raise the erect trunk to sitting position, without feet help or support. Now, stretch arms forward, and bend three times elastically the trunk on your legs. Later lower again the body, with back curved, toward the initial position. Four times (Figures number 174).

18 a) Later: before you raise, attract one leg, or both legs.
Abdominal breath. Respiratory exercise number 4.
Whole body relaxation. Relaxation exercise number 27.
19) Knelt on the ground. Thigh and trunk on one line. Separate substantially both knees, and stretch feet on the ground. Stretched arms forward, hand the back if the neck, or arms high up, “at attention” or natural position. Bend trunk backward as you breathe out, and raise it again. Tap thighs. Three times (Figure number 175).
20) Passage position. Feet quite apart. Bend front knee as you run the body weight on this leg. Straighten the knee, and move the body back on rear leg. This way, move to and fro several times, forward and backward. Shake legs. 4-6 times.
Full breath. Respiratory exercise number 3. Relaxed thigh and leg through knee drive (Relaxation exercise number 18.
21) Wide lateral position, and parallel feet. Arms in boxing position. Right shoulder rotation backwards, while at the same time you straighten the right arm in such a way that the clasped fist looks downward. Now, violent right shoulder rotation forward-upward; this way you strongly drive the stretched right arm, whose fist traces a half-circle until the level of your head, and from there downwards to left. Now, right arm to boxing position, as you stretch the left arm to left. First, practice these movements individually, and later in a continuous form. Do the same in passage position.
Later, breathe in with three drives, and breathe out with five drives. Then, three and six; and four and seven (Figures numbers 176, 177, 178 and 179).

- Natural position. Arms stretched forward, both at attention or natural position. Raise heels. Bend one knee, and lower the body moving the other leg ahead. Later, practice elastic movements in bent position, as you skip in such a way that your legs can change positions. Tap legs and thighs, in sitting position.
Breathing out. Respiratory exercise number 5.
Thigh relaxation through hip drive. Relaxation exercise 13. - Lying down face downward. Lean thighs on a bench, and arms with hands on the ground. An assistant holds your feet, or you out your feet under a proper support. Hands on the back of the neck, or on hips. Bend trunk upward as you breathe out, attract the chin and move shoulders backward. This exercise shortens and strengthens muscles that straighten the trunk. Three times (Figure number 180).
Back relaxation trough fall of the trunk. Relaxation exercise number 24. - Knelt on the ground. Trunk and thighs on a line. Arms high up. You can join hands, one palm of the hand against another, or you can intertwine them. Trunk rotation to left, and bend trunk to left side. Thighs and hips remain vertical. The same, to right. Two times each (Figures numbers 181 and 182). 24 a) Natural position. Raise with drive, and alternately, each knee toward the chest, trunk lightly inclined forward, and arm movements, as those practiced when you run. Quickly and continuously. This exercise favors speed.