Course XVIII - Teaching 12: Difficult Exercises IV
- Natural position. Left hand can be leaned on the wall, or your arms can hang freely. Approach with violence the knee to your chest, while at the same time launch the related leg forward-upward, and later drive the stretched leg backwards, along with simultaneous drive of right arm forward. Practice these three leg movements continuously. 3-4 times each.
- Lateral position. Arms horizontally stretched at both sides, and bend (lean) forearms; clasped fists. Trunk rotation as wide as possible, from left to right. Breathe in during four rotations, and breathe out during six rotations. Later, increase proportions as follows: four and seven; five and eight; five and nine; and six and nine (Figure number 149).
Breathing out. Respiratory exercise number 5. - Natural position. Jumps along with movements of legs. First jump with feet together; second jump, by launching one stretched leg forward: third jump with feet together; fourth jump, by launching one stretched leg to one side: fifth jump with feet together; and sixth jump by launching one stretched leg backwards. Later, practice with the other leg. While you move the stretched leg forward, raise your arms at the same time. While you move the stretched leg to one side, simultaneously drive your arms to the opposite side. Breathe calmly. Later, lying down face upwards, shake raised legs.
Breathe for heart recovery, with full breathing out. - Lateral position. On your back, at half step from the wall; during this exercise, keep the whole sole of your feet always in contact with the ground. Arms stretched upward, at attention or natural position. Bend your body, at the dorsal area, backwards. The low area of the body is a little ahead. Later, let your trunk fall loosely forward while you relax arms and your knees yield (Figure number 150). Great breath with full breathing out.
Body totally relaxed. Relaxation exercise number 27 c. - Lying down face upwards. Arms stretched at both sides or hands on the back of the neck. Trace circles with both stretched legs together to right and left, in such a way that both legs go always through the vertical position. Continuous breath. A better way to practice this exercise is by lying down face upwards on a table, and leaned laterally on edges of this table.4-6 times each.
Abdominal breath. Respiratory exercise number 4.
41 a) Sitting on the ground. Legs stretched. Move one leg semi-bent backward, in such a way that your thighs form a straight angle. Arms high up; bend the trunk on the leg stretched, with elastic insistence. Do the same with the other leg. This exercise stretches buttocks, flexors and extensors. - Lateral position. Parallel feet. Bend knees while you lower the trunk, and again straighten while you keep the soles of your feet in contact with the ground. At the same time, move your arms forward. Later, shake legs and tap them. Six times. Breath for heart recovery, and later chest breath. Respiratory exercise number 1.
Legs relaxed through knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 17. - Wide lateral position. Arms horizontally stretched at both sides, and fists clasped. Rotate the trunk to left, and bend the trunk downwards to right, in such a way that right fist touches the ground, while left fists stretch upwards. Later raise, and launch the trunk in the opposite direction; repeat the above-described movements. Bend slowly the trunk, and use the drive when you raise and launch the trunk in the opposite direction. Breathe out while you lower the trunk, and breathe in while you raise it. 6-8 times.
Breath for heart recovery, with full breathing out. - Natural position. Move one leg a little backward, while you lean the point of the foot on the ground. Also move your arms a little backwards. Launch the same leg backwards and upwards while your drive simultaneously both arms forward, and also bend the trunk forward. This exercise produces strong stretching. 6-8 times.
Breath for heart recovery. - Lying face upward. Hands on hips, stretched arms at both sides, or stretched over the head. Raise the trunk, but in such a form that forms only one acute angle against the ground. Keep this position during the breathing out. Breathe in deeply while the trunk is lying down on the ground, and breathe out slowly when the trunk is raised. This exercise strengthens abdomen and groin muscles. 4-6 times (Figure number 151).
Breath for heart recovery, lying down face upwards. - Knelt on the ground. Trunk and thighs form one line. Arms high up, at attention or natural position. Lower slowly the trunk forward, keep the spine erect, and at the same time sit on your heels. Breathe in while you raise again. Four times (Figures numbers 152, 153 and 154).

46 a) Later, sitting on your heels, arms stretched horizontally at both sides, and trunk inclined forward, rotate trunk from right to left and vice versa. Full breath. Respiratory exercise number 3.

- Lateral position. Stretched arms downwards, and fists clasped. Rotate arms in such a way that thumbs look outwards. Bend slowly one forearm against the arm, while also you shrink the fist with extreme muscular tension. Sight and will directed to biceps. Also straighten the arm with extreme tension. While you straighten the arm, bend the other arm. Strive to the utmost for bending the arm, but previously breathe. Later, shake arms and tap softly both biceps. Eight times each (Figures number 155 and 156).
Chest breath, breathe in with resistance. Respiratory exercise number 6. Arms and shoulders relaxed through knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 10.

- Natural position. Arms high up, at attention or natural position. On tiptoe. Bend slowly both knees, and lower the trunk until an entirely vertical position. Meanwhile, lower your arms at both sides until the horizontal line while you rotate the trunk to left. While you raise, come back to the first position. Do the same, but trunk rotation to right. Breathe out when you lower, and breathe in when you raise. Two times each.
Breathing out. Respiratory exercise number 5.
Hips relaxed by launching laterally the trunk. Relaxation exercise number 20.