Course XVIII - Teaching 10: Difficult Exercises II
- Lateral position. Arms stretched horizontally at both sides. Move arms several times backwards-upwards with elastic movement. Keep head and body immobile (The beginner can bend head backward). This stretches chest muscles and strengthens dorsal muscles. Six times. The same exercise with palms of the hands looking upwards; this increases stretching. Breathe out during the entire stretching of muscles (Figure number 131).
Chest breath. Respiratory exercise number 1.
Arms and shoulders relaxed through knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 10. - Lying down face upward. Arms at both sides of the body, –on hips, on the back of the neck, or high up– according to the strength of the practitioners. Raise the trunk until the vertical line, and lower it again. First, raise your chest from the ground. An assistant can hold legs, or you can put your legs under a cupboard. Breathe in during lying down position, and breathe out while you raise and lower the trunk. Four times (Figure number 132).
Breathe for heart recovery, lying down face upwards.
Back relaxed through inclination drive. Relaxation exercise number 22. - Lateral position. Arms high up. Bend laterally the trunk toward the right while you bend properly; at the same time, left knee. Left arm leaned over the head, and right arm at the side. Do not bend the trunk forward. Do the same to left. Two times each.
15 a) At attention position. Arms hanging freely at both sides of the body. Intense inclination of the body to right while the hip yields. Breathe quietly and continuously. From six to eight times (Figure number 133).
Hips relaxed with rotation of the trunk inclined. Relaxation exercise number 21.

- Lying down face upwards. Legs in vertical position, in such a way that your erect body rests only on feet and your back on the ground. Trace circles with your hip to right and left. Breathe calmly. Four times each.
Abdominal breath, lying face upward. Respiratory exercise number 4.
Then, sit down, one volte-face backward with back curved and head shrunk, in such a way that finally you are in standing position. - Lateral position. Parallel feet, and arms in boxing position. Quick rotation of trunk to left. At the same time drive right arm, that remains in tension and at straight angle, upwards to left, to the level of shoulders. Calmly again to initial position, and repeat with left arm. Speed-strength. 4-6times each (Figures numbers 124, 135 and 136).

Later, practice these movements (“hooks”) in fast succession. Also in passage position, and knelt (Figure number 137).
Gradually breathe as follows: Breathe in during three hooks, and breathe out during five hooks. Later three and six; three and seven; and four and eight. Great breathing in, with full breathing out.
- Natural position. Hands on the back of the neck. Take little steps, almost on the same place, on the extreme points of your feet. Practice this movement from your heels, but do not bend knees and keep legs steadily straight. Ten steps forward and ten steps backward. Shake legs, and tap softly your calves with knuckles (Figure number 138).
Thigh relaxed through hip drive. Relaxation exercise number 13. - At attention (or natural) position. Bring each knee to your chest by using your arms, which can tighten the leg against your chest. Strong stretching of buttock and leg extensors. 2-3 times (Figure number 139).
19 a) Add to precedent exercise fast and deep knee flexion and move your arms forward at the same time. Eight times. Then, raise with violence each knee in such a way that they hit the chest as much as possible, and straighten immediately.

- Lying down face upwards. Hands on the back of the neck, and raise legs together, in such a way that they form an acute angle against the ground. Bend both knees while you bring them to your chest, and again straighten legs to their acute angle position. Add one volte-face backwards. Six times (Figure number 140).
Abdominal breath. Respiratory exercise number 4.

- At attention position. Bend properly your knees, and lean your hands ahead on the ground. Alternately straighten each leg to a side. First slowly and later with intensity. Shake arms. 4-6 times. Lie down face downward, and get up several times very fast.
Diaphragm breath. Respiratory exercise number 2.
Forearms relaxed through rotation. Relaxation exercise number 5. - Natural position. Raise laterally the right leg semi-bent, and hold the heel with the right hand, behind the body. Raise leg and thigh with your hand in such a way that leg and thigh remain on a horizontal plane. Now incline trunk several times to the side of the raised leg. At once, launch this leg forward, horizontally as much as possible. Then tap thighs with your knuckles. Leg relaxed through knee drive. Relaxation exercise number 17.
- Knelt on the ground. Thighs and trunk form a line. Open legs, and stretch feet on the ground. Lower buttocks, and incline trunk backward in such a way that your head touches the ground as much as possible. Arms hanging freely or arms can lean to assist the movement. Later, with arms stretched forward or upward. Breathe slowly along with your inclination backward. Substantial stretching in the front area of the body. Three times. Tap thighs with your knuckles.
Full breath. Respiratory exercise number 3.
Whole body relaxation. Relaxation exercise number 27 c. - Natural position. Raise one leg through drive forward, to one side and backwards, while you jump simultaneously.
24 a) You stand head down, leaned on your hands, with your heels against the wall. Breathing out. Respiratory exercise number 5.