Course IX - Teaching 4: Knight Great Master

Cafh is one and its ruling head is one too, and the Knight Great Master possesses this unique and supreme authority.
The Great Work demands that the different spiritual works carried out for the souls must be represented as a whole not through disturbed minds or through well-meant individuals and efforts lacking consistency but through a unique expression of their labor, ideal and will to do well. The Knight Great Master leads the expression of the work in the Holy Order through participation in the Great Work.
The Great Current, which is energy in the service of the Great Work, is distributed in the world through certain channels not to waste energies in vain but on the contrary to facilitate the easy application of these energies.
By taking part in the Great Work of Cafh, the Great Current arrives and remains in it through the Knight Great Master. He distributes it among different Tables, and the Great Current attains the Sons through the Superiors of those Tables.
But an efficient participation in the Great Work and a due preservation of the Great Current require peculiar conditions, personal and intrinsic: ordered life, pure intentions and personal sanctity. So, one of the exclusive and primordial functions of the Knight Great Master is to carry out a secluded life in prayer. Just this way he can become a perfect receiver and preserver of the Great Current and a pure and impersonal tool for its distribution.
Moreover, the Substantial Union with the Divine Mother, which he must seek and teach to the Sons, demands of him this life of absorption and absolute retirement.
The Son of Cafh has to forge in his soul veneration for these higher spiritual functions of the Knight Great Master, and his life in the Holy Order never shall disturb them but on the contrary has to promote them.
Besides the attributes of his character as Knight, the Knight Great Master possesses the Cross, symbol of his human sacrifice and magnetic realization of divine forces; he uses the Signet, symbol of his supreme authority, which confirms the divine injunctions with human characters; also he wears the chain of Gold, whose united links are a symbol of the ethereal union of his priestly and knightly blood with that of the Superiors that assist him, being Priests and Knights at a time. The Red Ribbon, being a characteristic of his office, means the union of his ethereal blood with that of every Son.
Besides his participation in the whole Great Work, in the power of the Great Current and in the Substantial Union with the Divine Mother, which are exclusive by virtue of his office –since he is the only that can transmit them proportionately to the Sons and Tables– the Knight Great Master rules through the Superiors over all Tables, which are Groups of Sons, members of the Holy Order.
He pays attention to the entreaties of his Sons through the Superiors or privately by writing; he watches over the Superiors for a strict performance of the Regulation whose ranges he establishes and for a written or oral report about the state and development of Tables and Sons.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
