Course IX - Teaching 16: Superiors
The Secretary Great Master is assisted in his labor by the Knight Secretary Master that he chooses in the Full Moon Assembly every five years among the Knight Masters of his Table.
The labor of the Secretary Great Master is important because he can be temporarily a delegate of the Knight Great Master’s authority and also, because of his exclusive functions that consist in staying beside the Knight Great Master, mediating between the latter and the Sons, and also representing him before persons outside Cafh.
As we said above, so that the Knight Great Master can preserve the integrity of the Great Current and develop his spiritual labor in Cafh, has to remain secluded in his sanctuary and detached from any contact with outsiders. A function of the Secretary Great Master is to make everything take place more easily.
When a Table has a minimum of 18 Sons, the Knight 8 leads it. His attributions and duties are like those of the Knight Master, but he does not wear special attributes of his office, has no Particular Secretary and cannot be absent from the Stability Radius without license of the Knight Great Master. He must be an Ordained Son and is chosen during the Full Moon Assembly.
The Full Moon Assembly is an extremely important institution in Cafh. As all Knights Superiors take part in it, at certain place and time, the guiding spiritual power of Cafh is focused these days to receive inspiration and energies from the Masters, which later shall be distributed among the souls, labors and Works of Cafh.
That is why during the Full Moon days, the spiritual life of the Sons has to be increased so that its mission involves the whole power of the Holy Order, and its appointments and selections have as much spiritual power as possible.
Tables with reduced number of Sons are conducted by delegates of the Knight Great Master and appointed by him, and lack the power of blessing; this blessing shall be imparted to the Tables that they conduct by a Knight Master of the Table Mother of America.
But every Superior of Cafh has the same and holy function to carry out; to kindle in the souls the flame of the Divine Love, to transmit them the ancestral wisdom of the Knights of Fire, and to make them take part in the power of the Great Current, received from the hands of the Knight Great Master.
Certain rules of the Regulation have not been examined during the precedent Teachings. Those commentaries that so far we made have to serve however as a clue about the wisdom contained in the Regulation and about the way to find in these commentaries their inward spiritual meaning.
But, above all, the Son has to take into account that the Regulation manifests its spirit through his loving observance.