Course VII - Teaching 8: Silence of Silences

The Man that lives in the bustle and turmoil of the world can place in his soul only manifestations of incomplete and imperfect love.
The realization of the true love requires to be canalized through silence.
Silence is the first negative value on which the spiritual life of the Son is based, since it produces the necessary environment to discovering the intimate center where the Real Love is crystallized.
One can return to the Divine Mother just by starting a negative movement of void, which throws down the continuity of external systematic –affirmative and positive outer– values; so one creates the magnetic circle of silence that protects the intimate center, reservoir of the root of Love.
Therefore, oh Son, keep quiet for the Silence to acquire the first self-negation and give evidence of the first true love by this renunciation.
In order to achieve this, the Son must push his own soul to a living talk deprived of daily shouting, and this will be a dialogue in silence. The former cannot say all just because it always limits his expressions.
Words disintegrate the value of the unitive love and split it into self-destructive systematic values.
Only silence can say all because silence has renounced to say.
Silence opens the door of the inner abode to the soul. This is the fundamental attitude of a Son surrendered to the promised divine love.
The Silence is an attitude of surrender in God, and saving fortitude; it discovers where the Son can dwell and prevents him from being dragged and infected by anxiety and unrest of beings that live but really do not exist.
Silence is simply void where nothing is important or in a hurry and all stops. You can achieve the inner silence just with love and surrender; these fill the soul with perfect void; the latter will emerge from the vibration that the souls demand.
So, the Son acquires an active life that is worth of his offering. The Son integrates and connects heaven to earth by means of love.
Just then the human life acquires divine values through his participation, salvation and expansion.
First, one must take part in understanding and help and then to participate in them. First one has to be silence and later Voice; first fire and later flame; and first relieving the human togetherness instead of being a burden.
One has to save because we acquire the gift of being receivers of the Holy Masters’ Voice by sticking to the divine truth; so, the salvation work for men of our days is possible.
One should expand the divine conquered by silence and really achieve those values of vows and egoentia obtained. So, the soul awakens the first source of love, which as a vibratory power permits an active communication with other beings.
The Son that conquers his Silence acquires a new mode of living. He knows how to keep quiet and practice this with new and renewed virtues. He does not speak about himself and is humble. He does not mention defects of others and is charitable. He does not utter useless words and is a modern penitent. He keeps quiet on time and becomes wise and prudent. He does not refer to his own pain and is a hero.
The Perfect Silence –Silence of Silences– is perfect inner void and reflected in human love transformed by divine love.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
