Course VII - Teaching 12: Reversibility

The Idea Mother reflects the Divine thought but as this thought takes form on the human plane it acquires diverse forms and animates different trends.
Launched as a unique light ray, a diffracted Idea Mother touches the contingent plane of life.
While consciousness is not invariably projected, you live in the diversity, in the world of compounds. Unity can come back only through strenuous renunciation since renunciation brings about a reversibility to the state of consciousness.
The Ired’s movement is not only the becoming of the Unity but also its return to the Unity. This return occurs by renouncing to manifestation and known values in order to achieve only one value, that of the Unity.
A positive effort can never give reversibility but affirmation in the very state where it takes place.
Renunciation as to total reversibility of values and states gives an integral solution to human problems. It does not add problems to problems with partial solutions, but by changing the intimate state of consciousness, it causes the problems to disappear as such, and on the other hand leaves a new order of values –essential values.
You collide with something else that is impossible when you try to renounce without a detachment from an order of ideas and from a type of previous efforts. So, renunciation may be named “Death” or “Void”.
Every ordinary concept of human renunciation, virtue and efforts is worthless before a true intimate renunciation that in order to be such demands a fundamental change of consciousness. To ignore this would be equal to believe you can take the earthly possessions to the kingdom of death, which possesses its own different possessions.
Renunciation is a simultaneous static and dynamic state from the viewpoint of the field of consciousness, and reversibility is a sudden and transforming adaptation to precise changes of these states that are unique in themselves. A gross explanation of reversibility would be: When a dynamic value becomes static and vice versa, this sudden change occurs not by fixation or dissolution but by transcendence, essential secret of renunciation, perception of multiplicity in unity, and of unity in multiplicity.
Renunciation is to live intimately on an essential and contingent plane alternatively; it is as if you possessed something and you were aware of this something as something else.
This intimate feeling gives a perfect balance of values because is never definitely placed on one viewpoint, on one pole or on an apparent truth that that is necessarily illusory.
This reversibility allows reconciling different appearances and contradictions on an essential plane. So, ultimately its fruit is that of serenity and peace.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
