Course VII- Teaching 7: Renunciation through Vows

The Son’s efforts to attain the final verities and achieve the real vision of God allow him achieving new conceptions about the divinity but no to be this divinity.
The Son cannot achieve the conquest of the divinity through a positively affirmed will.
He can contact just the divine and the eternity through a negative expansion updated in the silent bosom of his soul.
But sometimes that are mystically valuable moments that permit intuit the divine. These are transition moments when one state is on the point to end in order to give room to other equal and opposite state, when this change did not occurred yet. It is the zero point, the inflection point, the node, the laya centre. It is the moment that is immediately previous to achieve knowledge. It is the short while when you are on the air and you jump from one shore to another. It is a moment of abeyance when, during your normal breathing, your inhalation softly stops and becomes exhalation and vice versa. Ired more Ired and minus Ired.
Through the Vows the Cafh’s Son permanently places himself in this state of void, transition, jump and abeyance.
Through the vow, you jump, but you never attain the other shore. You get a void that is previous to knowledge, but you do not attain your desired knowledge, you conquer other dimension, –a negative pole.
The Son does not come again to his initial ground through his jump. He goes elsewhere. He gets knowledge about other state, but is not disconnected from the former state through his displacement.
The true meaning of the vows can only be known through renunciation and renunciation can only be realized through vows.
An ordinary man that did not take any Vow, has no destiny; we could say: verily he does not exist.
But the Son that as such took his Vows has an infallible destiny and really “IS” and ideally exists by his permanence in his vows.
So as you can mark the point where certain star can be found at certain moment on the sky, the Son by his permanence in his vows shall attain the crowning point of his supernatural destiny.
By the vow of silence he shall open the doors to his inner life. By the vow of fidelity he will become integral. By the vow of obedience he will do the impossible and, finally, by the vow of renunciation –mystical crown that sums up in itself all vows– he shall expand in the Unity by becoming co-redeemer in blood and spirit.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
