Course XI - Teaching 7: Universal Religion

Cafh tells his Sons to respect the religion in their country, but this does not mean that these Sons have to lay aside their own original religion and cherish the current religion of the country, or that sometimes they cannot discuss religious matters, when this discussion is based on knowledge of texts and causes.
Also Cafh recognizes, mystically and transcendentally, the fundamental value and unity of all religions. That is why, if a Son can originally belong to other religion, he feels spontaneously a higher deference and respect for a religion or religions professed by the people with which he lives.
It cannot be admitted a Son changing from one religion to another.
When an individual being passes from one religion to another, this is so because his soul needs other spiritual experience and believes that he shall find his realization in this other creed. So, this change has to be taken just as one step taken in his spiritual evolution.
The Son of Cafh cannot change religions if he believes in the fundamental unity of all religions, in Revelations of Great Religions emanated all together from the Unique Revelation and from the Idea Mother of the Aryan Race, and that Great Traditions of diverse creeds are a continuous transmission of the Revelation according to needs and idiosyncrasies of diverse peoples that have observed them.
If a Son wants to change religions in the wake of inner aspirations and for his higher spiritual progress, then this means that he did not find in Cafh his own spiritual yearning, and he should leave the path of Cafh previous to any real change.
So, this change might mean other ordinary religion to him, and not a transcendent idea and realization of the Universal Religion.
Sons of Cafh, be careful and not confuse this concept of Universal Religion.
Usually people feel that when you speak of this Universal Religion, this Religion is a new creed to abolish all other religions. Then this Religion might be other ordinary religion and not the Universal Religion.
Of course, a new religion is on the move in the world. A religion that is a result of mental dynamism and re-structured dimensional values appears now in the world.
It will be a great, valuable religion, but not the Universal Religion.
The Universal Religion has no establishment or beginning; it emanates and flows constantly from the Idea Mother of the Aryan Race, and its eventual settlement on this Earth shall not mean a beginning but that all men shall understand and recognize that which ever was within their reach.
All Great extant Religions tell they are unique and universal, and that they have to reign supreme over all men; but it is not so, –they are proportionally distributed among men.
The point is that all of them emanate from the Universal Religion, but adapted to peoples, times and circumstances.
He who fulfils faithfully and rightly precepts of his own Religion, invariably contacts the Unique, transcendent and universal Truth.
Cafh is not a new religion or ferment to produce it, because in this case Cafh can be now just other ordinary religion among others. Cafh is in itself a pure and free yearning of the soul for recognizing the transcendent truth, the Universal Religion.
That is why a Son of Cafh should not change Religions, but at the same time he deeply respects and sympathizes with the religion or religions of the country where he lives.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
