Course XI - Teaching 14: Blessings

According to certain ancient tradition, the Holy Masters daily trace on the horizon the Holy Sign of Blessing from the higher planes.
Every day and on especial occasions, the Master raises his hand and traces the mystical sign that shall be like a beneficial rain over all his disciples, and unites the powers of all with the Cosmic Powers, and pours his power by uniting it with those of his Sons.
With the same purpose, method and sign, this Blessing is imparted by the Master to every one of his Sons, particularly in their beginning of the Spiritual Path, when they achieve a worthy work, when they are going to fulfill certain special mission, when they are ill and need help, if they are about to start a task or to travel, if they experience hard trials and temptations, and also when the Master feels this to be timely and necessary.
This blessing is called “blessing as a whole”.
Also the Master blesses every one of his Sons every year, at the established time. The Master forms a vibratory current; he is its centre and unites this current with astral powers of the Son, with the cosmic power of the planet, with the cosmic power of the Sun, with the potential center of the seven Solar systems which we belong to, and with the potential and active power of the Stellar Hosts. From there the Master diminishes this vibration and transfers it to the Crown Wheel of a blessed Son. So the Master makes this transmission by touching the blessed Son with the right hand. This blessing is called “Yearly Blessing”.
Also the Master makes use of these blessings at distance, if he feels it to be timely and necessary.
Also the Master knows the Blessing of God.
This Blessing is seldom used, and almost exclusively when a disciple leaves in order to found or make an extraordinary work.
The Master touches with the right hand the body of the blessed Son: head, right arm, right leg, stomach, left arm, left leg, lungs and hypogastrium, and traces the Holy Sign three times on the air.
Another especial Blessing is called Ante-mortem, usually imparted by the Master before dying to his most beloved and esteemed disciple as a token of love and as a legacy of wisdom and power.
The sign of Blessing is always the same: to trace the Holy Sign with the left hand, from right to left, the three fingers united.
The words of Blessing are taught orally.
It is extraordinary the power of Blessings. The ancient Masters made wonderful and almost miraculous healings by means of these Blessings.
Sometimes a Master transforms a wicked man into a righteous and spiritual one by means of a Blessing imparted to the one that is out of the circle
Certain Son was righteous, diligent and eager for advancing spiritually, but unable to control his lust; once and again he promised to amend this, but again committed the same fault; and the worst of his faults was that he had no courage to confess it. But one day he dared to reveal to his Master the magnitude of his vice; the Master kept quiet, put one hand upon the head of this sorrowful Son, traced the Holy Sign, and at once the Son could get rid of his lustful desires. Later he said that he did not recall his own sex, with the exception when he needed it to transmute.
In Europe, some few months after entering the spiritual path, a young woman abandoned it, and forgot the Teachings to the point of living sunk in evil. Being on a ship, she met her old Maste that, pitied of her flesh commerce, just greeted her. Moved, she visited him in his apartment; the Master, under inspiration of his Masters, blessed her; and this Blessing was effective, and at once she revealed to girls under her guide the place where she led them to, and this way she saved them from perdition. After her conversion, she went to her parental house. Shortly after, being eager for finding her abandoned spiritual path, she died.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
